Darke County OHGenWeb
History & Genealogy

Research in Darke County

Click to read about ---->  Places to do research in Greenville, Ohio

        The Genealogy Room at the Garst Museum is your 'best bet' to begin a documents search in Darke Co.  All of the early Court House records have been microfilmed and they are available in the Genealogy Room.  What can't be found there, staff can direct you to at other locations in the county.  US Mail inquiries regarding documents and their costs & availability should be directed to Phyllis Crick / c/o Garst Museum / 205 N Broadway / Greenville, OH 45331-2222.  Always included SASE for her reply. No research is done by Staff at the Probate Court or Court House.  No genealogical questions will be answered on the phone to the Museum.
        see also: Darke Co. Genealogical Society where it is explained that a $2 donation to the Society gets a survey of what is available for a specific surname request and cost of copying/mailing. Research by Genealogy Room Staff is $10/hour plus copying and mailing costs.
        [Microfilmed Records are also available at Wright State University in Dayton, OH (about 40 miles away). See their site for costs and access. E-mail inquiries to WSU Library Staff.]

Darke Co. Probate Court
300 Garst Ave
Greenville, OH 45331

Garst Museum
205 N Broadway
Greenville, OH45331
Birth & Death records from 1867 to 1908, Marriage Records and Probate Records from 1817 are held by the Probate Court.
(also on microfilm at Garst Museum)
Early Wills, Estates, Probates (dockets #1-#5818) are handled at the Garst Museum
Darke Co. Genealogical Society and Historical Society files are at the Garst Museum

205 N Broadway / Greenville, OH 45331
Darke Co. Health Dept
300 Garst Ave
Greenville, OH 45331

Greenville Public Library
520 Sycamore St
Greenville, OH 45331