Would like to contact any descendants of the Jacob WOODS who was listed on the 1850 census, Adams Twp., Darke Co., OH. Jacob was probably married to Nancy BORTINESS 12-15-1831 in Montgomery Co., OH (record read as BARTMAS), where he was called WOOD (no 's'). His family was named in 1850: WOODS, Jacob-42mVA (a merchant), Nancy-39fMD, Joseph P.-17mOH (a butcher), Noah-15mOH, John H.-15mOH, Martha J.-7fOH, David-4mOH, and Sarah W. MILLER-18fOH.
Am searching for descendants of the James WOODS who is listed on the 1820 census of Adams Twp., Darke Co., OH. This shows him married and with 2 males 0-10 yrs of age.
George FETTERS, born ca 1814 in Ohio, married Elizabeth BAUM Feb 7 1841 in Darke Co. (called BOAN in marriage record). Who were parents and siblings of George and Elizabeth? Family in Miami County, Ohio, per 1850 census, in Illinois by 1860.
Levi ZEMER (b 1850 in Shelby County, Ohio) married Eliza Ann DAY (b 1854 in Darke County, Ohio) in Darke County. They had a son named Edmund Samuel ZEMER b 1874 in Darke County, Ohio. Where and when did they die? Where there any more children? Edmund moved to Indiana - did they move also? Thanks.
Elijah D. HENDERSON was born 3 Oct 1798 in VA, died 3 Nov 1851 in Butler Twp, Darke Co., OH. He married Margaret "Peggy" MCFARLAND on 30 Dec 1824 in DCO; she died 26 Feb 1838. Married second Emily WILT on 16 Oct 1838; she died 5 May 1843. He married third Hannah ROBERTS on 11 Jan 1844; she died 8 Apr 1845. He married fourth Nancy ? date unknown; she died 20 Jul 1888. All these individuals are buried in the Wilt Cemetery in Butler Twp, DCO. Elijah's known children are: Mary, wife of Adam HUTTON [of Miami Co., IN in 1856]; Nathan, Daniel, Elizabeth, William, Archibald, Jane, Washington, Phillip & Rebecca. Would like to identify Elijah's parents and where he was born in VA, 4th wife Nancy's maiden name, date and place of their marriage [didn't find it in DCO - did I just miss it?], and any info on the children. I have a lot on Nathan, but nothing on the other children yet. I just confirmed that Elijah was Nathan's father last month. I did find a John HENDERSON, age 67y of NC in he 1850 DCO census of Butler twp only 4 houses away from Elijah who could be the father, but don't have any other info on him. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Seek parents of Rachel POTTER who married George Peter CRUMRINE on 13 OCT 1831 in Darke County, OH and found in German Township in 1850 census. She was born ca. 1811 in Ohio and died en route to Iowa in 1854. Possible parents are Noahdiah and Mary POTTER.
I'm interested in information regarding James and Elizabeth ERWIN who are buried in Arba, Indiana, church cemetery but may have died in Darke County, OH. They lived with children (Norman) or (Charles) in Union City, OH/IN. Date of deaths are 1904 and 1916 respectively. My husband is their grandson.
I'm interested in the FOSTERs in Mercer County in the 1800's, particularly in the family of Francis Estabrook FOSTER (1847-1911) m Sarah Jane ANDERSON (1848-1928). Children: Olive Fidelue (1869-1870), Wm Francis (1872-1876), Curilla Jane 1874-1876), Jesse King (1876-1936), Rufus Benjamin (1880-1951), Henry S. (1880-1951), Herschel Victor (1884-1958), Caroline (1886-1952), and Elmer Elsworth (1889-1971). Does anyone have any information about these people?
Friedrich DRULLINGER of Salem County, NJ, received Rev War pension in Cincinnati 1833. His son, Gabriel, changed spelling to DROLINER and DRULINER and went on to LaPorte County, IN. His father died there in 1841 after a visit. Seek any and all Drollinger descendants. Have this family back to 1572. Will exchange.
When did William HUNTER die? Born in Canada in abt 1774. Wife unknown. Sons: Anderson R. Sr., Samuel, and Jabez. William's parents, unknown, but said to have come from Ireland. The HUNTERs stayed mostly in: Mercer, Auglaize, Darke, and Stark counties. Any information appreciated.
Where is Amon PLOWMAN (29 Oct 1833 MD-after 1914 Ohio) and his wife, Mary Jane WILSON (?-?) married in Greenville, Ohio, about 1859? Where are they buried? They had 6 children as follows: George B. PLOWMAN, Arra M. PLOWMAN, Benton PLOWMAN, Eddie Porter PLOWMAN, Alvar D. PLOWMAN, and Helen PLOWMAN (who became a school teacher and came out to visit her Uncle and Aunt in July 1910 before doing a tour of Europe). Where are these children and their families? Amon PLOWMAN is the son of Edward F. PLOWMAN and Susannah STEVENS of Houcksville, Carroll County, Maryland. Any information on this family and any other PLOWMANs would be greatly appreicated.
I am looking for any/all information on the ALLSPAW family. I am just getting started on trying to gather information, so I really need all possible leads. My family name began as ALSPACH when ancesters immigrated from Amsterdam, changed to ALSPAUGH some time around the Civil War, and later anglicized to ALLSPAW, possibly in southern Indiana, the Bloomington - Bedford area. It is possible that some relatives moved to Virginia or North Carolina at some time, uncertain when. MOST are believed to have been in the Van Wert - Mercer County area and in Adams County, Indiana. All leads will be VERY much appreciated! Thank you.
My second great-grandfather was John RAPP who immigrated from France c1831 and settled with wife amd children in Clermont Co., OH. His wife, Catherine, died before 1848 and he married for the second time 25 Dec 1848 to Magelena ROTH ESCHMANN/ASHMAN of Darke Co., OH. She was widow of Peter ESCHMANN/ASHMAN who farmed near Greenville, OH, and died 1847. They had 8 children. There is a geneology of them that mentions only "she later mar. Mr. RAPP". She applied for a divorce in 1855 (CPC 20 Feb 1855) which was denied. I have found no record of John RAPP after that date. I don't know where he died or when. Surely he didn't live with Magdalena again??? Have checked all neighboring counties, and know he didn't return to Clermont Co. to live with his son. Can anyone find him. He was born c 1783, and died sometime after 1855.