Darke County, Ohio, Genealogy

Queries for March 1997


CORWIN, WEAVER posted by Lucy Mark-Vanden Heede on Sunday, March 2, 1997

Looking for wife and children of William O. CORWIN. William born June 28, 1860 in Darke County, Ohio, son of John Henry Corwin and Maria (Mariah) WEAVER. It is believed that William later moved to northern Michigan. William is a great, great grandfather.

APPLEGATE, GAVIT, TEEGARDEN posted by Lynn E. Applegate on Tuesday, March 4, 1997

Descendants of Elizabeth TEEGARDEN / Edward Evertt APPLEGATE who were married in Darke County, Ohio on September 21, 1901. Elizabeth was the daughter of William and Sarah E. (GAVIT) TEEGARDEN. Edward Evertt died on Feb. 28, 1910 in Union City, Jackson Township, Darke County, Ohio.

HILDERMAN, HILGEMAN, HILKERMAN, LABIG, LAVEY, LAVY, LOWIG, PIFFER, PIPER posted by Randall S. Lavy on Thursday, March 6, 1997

Descendants of Eva Christina LOWIG (LABIG/LAVY/LAVEY) (1833-1857) d. near Webster, Darke Co. m. 1856 HILDERMAN (sp? HILKERMAN/HILGEMAN?), f. child Cathrine HILDERMAN (1857- ?) m. Frederick PIPER (PIFFER).

BRIGGS, CLARK, MOONEY, SEBRING posted by Jean H. Pizarro on Sunday, March 9, 1997

Robert CLARK lived in Darke Co OH in the early 1800s (1830 and 1840 census) He died 14 Jan 1853 in Greenville, Darke, OH and is buried in the Martin Cem. He served in the War of 1812 and was married to Nancy T.C. ______. They had the following children: Matilda who married John SEBRING; Nancy who married Andrew SEBRING; John who married Hetty (BRIGGS?); and Angeline who married Isaac MOONEY. If you know of this family, please contact me.

DENISTON posted by Judith Deniston Falconer on Monday, March 10, 1997

There are lots of DENISTONs in Darke County, early 1800s. Looking for John W. DENISTON (there may have been an uncle/nephew by that name) who had left OH by 1830 (he appears in the MO census in 1830). Family tradition is that he was from OH. Any records- parents, siblings, etc? He was an orphan, raised by his uncle. The nephew is my gg-grandfather. Thanks.

HIESTAND, SHELLABARGER, ZERBE posted by Elizabeth Tilton on Thursday, March 13, 1997

E.B. SHELLABARGER married Sarah A. HIESTAND, daughter of Samuel Hilt HIESTAND and Susan ZERBE, 13 May 1886 at Darke County, OH. Their children are Blanche, Logan, Vinnorah and Herschel. What is the name of "E.B." SHELLABARGER. Where was he born and who are his parents? Happy to share info.

GOTT, WILSON posted by Jane Baker-Hardin on Friday, March 14, 1997

I believe I have record of my Robert GOTT dying in Darke Co. in 1840. He had 2 wives, 1 Elizabeth WILSON. I don't know anything else about them. Thanks.

ASHLEY, HOWE posted by Bob Woods on Saturday, March 15, 1997

I am looking for descendants of Ransom B. HOWE, born about 1828 in Darke Co. He is my gggrandfather. He is the son of Joel HOWE and Rheumilla ASHLEY HOWE, though I am still seeking proof as he is direct Mayflower descendant. Thanks.

HOUSEHOLDER, HUFFMAN, MIDDLETON, SYKES posted by Don Christy on Sunday, March 16, 1997

Tom MIDDLETON and his wife E. HOUSEHOLDER. Also a SYKES or something like that. Some of their children - Phillip who married Lucy Ann HUFFMAN and moved to Kansas and then Wisconsin.

MICHAEL posted by Tom Robeson on Wednesday, March 19, 1997

Was Sarah Jane MICHAEL's father Jacob MICHAEL of Adams Twp, Darke Co.? If so, were there other children and if so what are their names?

BIXLER, SMITH posted by Therese Oie on Wednesday, March 19, 1997

James SMITH / Siby BIXLER married 23 Aug 1826 Darke County. Who are the parents of James SMITH (b. 20 May 1797) and Siby BIXLER (b. 2 Apr 1805)? Thank You!

ALEXANDER, FITZWATER, HARSH, PHILLIPS, WOLF posted by Mary E. Hitt on Thursday, March 20, 1997

I am searching for the date of death of Melcher/Melker HARSH, born abt. 1863 in Barbour Co., WV. and his wife, Martha J. PHILLIPS (b. abt. 1860). They were married in Randolph Co., WV on 26 Nov. 1882. They moved to Darke County, OH, but I don't know when that was. They were there before the Dayton Flood (1913). They were supposed to have had at least one son, named Lee. Melcher HARSH died sometime before 1920. He is supposed to be buried at the Palestine Cemetery. I do not when his wife died or where she was buried, and I would like that information. I would also like to learn the names of any children they had. Perhaps some are still living in Darke County. Any information that my fellow researchers can add will be much appreciated. Martha Jane PHILLIPS HARSH is the sister of my grandfather, Matthew L. Phillips (1879-1932). Matthew and his wife, Mary Bessie FITZWATER PHILLIPS, moved to Liberty Twp.,(Palestine), Darke County, in 1913 to farm. One of the main reasons they moved there was because Matthew's sister, Martha Jane, and her husband, Melcher/Melker lived there. According to one of my elderly aunts, Melcher died soon after Matthew PHILLIPS arrived and it was quite a blow to the family. My aunt remembers being left with a neighbor while her parents attended the funeral. My mother is Mary Ellen PHILLIPS (b. 1912 - living), daughter of Matthew and Mary Bessie PHILLIPS. They had 11 children, all of whom graduated from high school in Palestine, Ohio. Her siblings names are: Harry, Troy, Carl, Leo, Olive, Ruthmae, Beulah, Mabel, Ethel, and Esther. Olive married Fred ALEXANDER and still lives in Greenville. Mary Ellen PHILLIPS married Charles Bartlett WOLF. She attended Palestine High School and lives in Dayton, Ohio. If you have ties to the PHILLIPS or FITZWATER families in Tucker, Barbour or Randolph County in West Virginia, I have information to share with you. I have a user home page through Family Tree Maker. Start your search at Thank you for your help.

ELKING, STRAUSS posted by David B. Elking on Thursday, March 20, 1997

Descendants of Mary M. STRAUSS (previously Mary M. ELKING), b.1828 in Germany (second marriage to Frederick STRAUSS ca. 1867). Lived in Union City, Darke Co. Also death records of Mary STRAUSS ca. 1910-1920.

HEASTON, HIESTAND posted by Chet Heaston on Friday, March 21, 1997

Seeking ancestors in Darke Co. Jacob Heaston b 1814, and/or his relatives. Thank you.

JENKINSON posted by Maxine Dayhuff-Lowhorn on Friday, March 21, 1997

Christian JENKINSON was the brother to my gg grandfather, Joseph JENKINSON. Their father was Francis JENKINSON of Maryland and their mother was Catherine, from Pennsylvania. Would like to obtain information on Christian and any other siblings. He is on the 1850 census for Darke County, Allen Township, Greenville, OH. Also would like to know if Francis and Catherine were buried in Ohio and if so, where in Ohio.

DOWELL posted by Deb Dowell on Sunday, March 23, 1997

I'm looking for will of Martin DOWELL's father (father's name unknown). Martin DOWELL was supposedly born in Kentucky, exact location unknown, but 1803 is supposed date of birth. Martin DOWELL resided in Mercer County at the time of the 1850 Census; he also purchased land in Range 3, Township 13, Section 28, Miami River Survey 24 November 1836. He was from Montgomery County, Ohio at that time. He is also known to have lived in Darke County, York Township at the time of the 1840 Census. Martin Dowell died on October 10, 1875 somewhere in Ohio, exact location unknown.

LYNCH posted by James Lynch on Monday, March 24, 1997

Any info about Elijah LYNCH, member of Darke Co. Pioneer Association in 1874.

ADAMS, COLDWELL, ELY, GIBSON, HARRIS, MATTHEWS, REDINGER posted by Don Gibson on Wednesday, March 26, 1997

Seeking descendants of Samuel J. GIBSON m. Mary Ann MATTHEWS 1853 Miami Co. Children-Alice A. m. Albert HARRIS ?, David Edward m. Lillian Francis REDINGER 1892 Miami Co., Mary Elizabeth m. Harrison ADAMS 1883 Darke Co., Nora m.1 William ELY 1895 Darke Co., m.2 Cyrus COLDWELL 1900 Darke Co.

posted by Don Gibson on Wednesday, March 26, 1997

Seeking descendants of Harrison 'Harry' ADAMS m. Mary Elizabeth 'Lizzie' GIBSON 1883 Darke Co., Ch.-David Sherman, Emma, Girew(?), and Glen-all born Miami Co.

COLDWELL, ELY, GIBSON posted by Don Gibson on Wednesday, March 26, 1997

Seeking descendants of Elinore 'Nora' GIBSON m.1 William ELY 1895 Darke Co. m.2 Cyrus COLDWELL 1900 Darke Co. Ch.-John ELY.


I am currently compiling The Ancestors and Descendants of Jacob MARTIN (1798-1871) and Susannah OVERHOLSER (1798-1870). Jacob and Susannah lived in Adams Twp, Darke County, from 1832 on. Would descendants of their children, Elizabeth MARTIN (1819-1898) m1 John P. MILLER (1807-1841) m2 David WERTS (1809-1887), John Bucher MARTIN (1820-1896) m1 Barbara BIGLER (1822-1845) m2 Rachel KREIDER (1822-1872), m3 Catharine SWORD (1828-1915), David MARTIN (1823-1893) m Eliza Ann BURNS (1828-1915), Susannah MARTIN (1824-1896) m Benjamin BASHORE (1824-1902), Mary MARTIN (1827-1876) m Eli DICKEY (1825-1876), Eli MARTIN (1833-1900) m Harriet TRUMP (1843-1920), Barbara MARTIN (1836-1921) m Michael DICKEY (1826-1907), Abigail MARTIN (1838-1893) m Michael K. MILLER (1834-1910), and Lydia MARTIN (1841-1874) M John H. BOYER (1836-1919), please contact me.

BASHORE posted by John Bashore on Saturday, March 29, 1997

Ancestors/descendants of Levi P. BASHORE, b. 12-27-1890 d. 8-13-1954, may have lived in Bradford, OH (Darke Co.). Please contact me.

BRAFFET, JAQUA, LAWRENCE posted by Terry E. Lawrence on Sunday, March 30, 1997

LAWRENCE, BRAFFET, JAQUA, families of Darke County. Lived in the Yankeetown area.

ANDERSON, PEARSON posted by Nancy Robinson on Monday, March 31, 1997

Seek descendents of James and Abigail ANDERSON. James died ca 1837. (see guardianship 1837-cpct book 4 pg 247. Wife Abigail remarried 1841 to Thomas PEARSON and lived until 1855 in Miami Co, OH.

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