Darke County, Ohio, Genealogy

Queries for July 1997


WILLISON posted by Nancy Edersheim on Thursday, July 3, 1997

Researching WILLISON'S in the Darke Co. area. Any information would be greatly appreciated.There were some in the federal census in 1830-1880's. Mainly looking for ancesters of a Porter Lorenns WILLISON. Thanks in advance.

FISHER, PETRIE posted by Shelly Hartz on Saturday, July 5, 1997

John PETRIE was married to my gg aunt, Rose Ann FISHER b.1-10-1859 d.9-11-1942. They had children named Kent and Rea. Rea died in November of 1977. They lived in Celina and my aunt remembers as a child visiting them quite often at their home in Celina. The FISHERs came from Darke Co. and moved to Mercer Co.

ELKING, STRAUSS posted by David B. Elking on Sunday, July 6, 1997

I am looking for information concerning my paternal great-grandparents. My grandfather's name was Edward Carroll ELKING, supposedly born in Hamilton Co. between 1861 & 1865. His father, first name unknown, died between 1864 & 1870. His mother's name was Mary Magdeline, maiden name unknown. She was remarried Frederick STRAUSS after 1865, probably in Hamilton Co. My grandfather had a sister named Palomar or Linda and two step siblings, Frederick and Emma V. from the second marriage. The STRAUSS family subsequently moved to Darke Co. I believe that both of my great-grandparents were German immigrants.

BAUGHMAN, SLUSSER posted by Gordon K. Weddle on Sunday, July 6, 1997

I am seeking information on the children of Mary (SLUSSER) BAUGHMAN and Simon BAUGHMAN who were married in Darke County in 1843. One child I know of is Jacob born in 1844.

BRUBAKER posted by Norma Byllesby on Monday, July 7, 1997

Abraham BRUBAKER was listed as living in Darke Co., Ohio, in 1850. Would like any information possible on his parents.

BRIAR, BRIER posted by Steve Briar on Thursday, July 10, 1997

Undocumented family history says the BRIAR (sometimes BRIER) family came from Germany to the Greenville, OH, area around 1810-1820. I have found a marker for a George BRIAR, b 1835 d 1924 apparently in IN whose father may have come from Ohio and down the Wabash river to Fountain Co. IN. But no confirmation, not even a death record has been found. Can you help? Thanks.

MCGINNIS, ULLERY posted by Pam Cooper on Friday, July 11, 1997

John MCGINNIS came from Ireland before the Revolution. He was first in Frederic County, VA, then to Tennessee, then to Darke County, Ohio. He had James about 1775. James married Elizabeth and their children James Madison MCGINNIS, John MCGINNIS, Sarah, Elizabeth, Montgomery, and Thomas. John MCGINNIS married Mary ULLERY 22 Feb 1844 in Darke County. They died in Clinton Co., Indiana. They had three girls, Cecelia 1852, Hannah Jennie 1854 and Angelina 1866. I want to know where the first John came from and anything about the ULLERY family.

STEWART posted by Kathleen L. Lencki on Friday, July 11, 1997

Seeking name of wife of James STEWART, b. 1845. Scotland, who lived near Ansonia, Darke Co., OH, in 1924. Also seeking names of James' children.

GOTT posted by Betty Gott Dixon on Friday, July 11, 1997

Researching GOTT family who lived in Greenville, - Darke Co., Ohio, in 1840 -1850. Moved to Fountain County, Indiana, after 1850. Need dates of birth, marriage, death, for John GOTT listed at Greenville Township, Darke County, 1830 Census. He was my great, great, great, great grandfather.

FREES, HOEL, SNYDER posted by Jack Frees on Saturday, July 12, 1997

I am interested in any information about my grandparents and great grandparents whom I believe lived in Darke County Ohio. Joseph FREES was born in Sidney, Shelby Co., Ohio, dob unknown. Married Cornelia Anne HOEL of Darke Co. Her dob approx 1870. Joseph's father was Peter FREES born in Pennsyvania but died in Ohio. Peter's wife, Martha SNYDER, also born in PA, and died in Versailles Ohio, date unknown. Any clues you can find would be appreciated.

ALBRIGHT, MCCLURE posted by Jeanne Albright Gomer on Saturday, July 12, 1997

Searching ancestors of Dr. L. Meredith ALBRIGHT born circa 1844 in Ohio or Indiana. I have birth record of daughter Maud born Wabash Twp 1879. He's in Wabash Twp 1880 census, Patterson Twp 1883 birth of Daughter Mary Violet. Wife Rosetta MCCLURE, married ? 1878 in Auglaize Co Ohio. He was married prior to ? Samantha Jane Tabler and my Grandfather Harry Albright was born in Logansport, Indiana, Feb. 11, 1872, died in 1944 in a hospital in Toledo, Ohio, but had last resided on a farm near Findlay, Hancock Co., Ohio, and before that was a school teacher in Wapakoneta, OH. In 1900 Mary Violet is living with Harry and his wife in Auglaize Co. at age 17, no listing for L.M. ALBRIGHT or Rosetta in the 1900 census. Were there any directories for Wabash or Patterson Twp or the area in 1879-1880's.

COPPOCK, PEARSON, WAYMIRE posted by Steve Pearson on Thursday, July 17, 1997

I have a Sarah COPPOCK b. June 16, 1804, I believe, in Tennessee. Died July 18, 1873, Miami Co. Ohio. Married 1st to a WAYMIRE, and 2nd to Abel PEARSON Sept 26 1833 in Montgomery Co. Ohio. I have no idea who her family was. There were plenty of Coppocks in the Miami Valley area. Any Clues in the Darke Co. area?

BRANDON, COATS, PEARSON posted by Steve Pearson on Thursday, July 17, 1997

Susannah COATS married Silas PEARSON Sept. 8, 1859 by a Rev. BRANDON in Darke Co. Ohio. Her parents were Elias and Esther . Silas lived in Darke Co., but Susannah's family are found in Montgomery Co, Randolph Twp. 1850 Census. Would love more info on the COATS family and lineage.

JOHN, PHILLIPS posted by Jere S. Keefer on Friday, July 18, 1997

Seek data on family of Jacob B. JOHN, Jr. who married Eleanor PHILLIPS. Eleanor born 2 Jun 1791 in PA or VA. This family was in Darke Co., OH in 1866. Known children: Rachel, thomas, Jesse, Jacob B., Elizabeth, Catherine, Ellen, Samuel, Washington, Joshua P., and Letita. They moved from Franklin Co., PA, to Ohio prior to 1866.

CASAD posted by Nathalie C. Patton on Tuesday, July 22, 1997

I am seeking information concerning Isaac and Mary CASAD who were living in Darke County , Ohio in 1863 when their son Curtis S. CASAD was born. Curtis CASAD's death certificate states that he was born in Dayton, Ohio.

BANTA, PRICE posted by AOLer1 --?-- on Tuesday, July 22, 1997

Elizabeth BANTA, b. abt 1836-40 in Darke County, Ohio. m. William H. PRICE. Would like her specific birth date and her date of marriage.

BLIZZARD, BORDERS, HIGGINS, RITTENHOUSE posted by Les Obert on Monday, July 28, 1997

I am decended from Cornelius HIGGINS. B. apx. April 12, 1796 prob. Ky. Maried Catherine ? b. apx. dec 12, 1797 P. Unkn. Believed Married 1817 or 18 poss Darke Co Ohio . Catherine may have been a BORDERS or BLIZZARD first son Levi HIGGINS born Ohio 1819 Poss Darke Co. as Cornelius lised on 1820, 1830 Darke Co. Butler Twp Census. Levi Married Jemima BORDERS From Cass Co. MI, poss in Coshocton Co., Jefferson Twp about 1840 (he is listed on census). Later married Mrs Nancy BORDERS RITTENHOUSE ( Widow of Benjamin RITTENHOUSE) whose children Mathew and James RITTENHOUSE were listed as being born in Jefferson, Ohio, on death certs. and marriage lic. Cornelius and families moved to Cass Co., MI and on to Carrol Co., IA in 1850's. BORDERS and BLIZZARD family members also moved to same locations at about same time. Listed as some of first settlers in Carroll Co., IA. Am attempting to find family of Cornelius and last name and family of Catherine. Have great deal of info on BORDERS and BLIZZARD families from other sources and Decendants of HIGGINS family,

HAMPTON, VAIL posted by Carol Mast Breeden on Monday, July 28, 1997

I am trying to determine if Isaac VAIL listed on the 1820 Census from Washington Twp, Darke Co or Isaac VAIL listed on the 1830 Census from Greenville Twp, Darke Co had a son named James VAIL. I am trying to determine the parents of James VAIL (born in OH) who was married to Salina HAMPTON on 28 Mar 1839 in Montgomery Co, IN. Any info on the VAILs of Darke Co. would be appreciated.

BYROADS, DEATH, LARGE, MCINTIRE, VOGEL, WAGANICK, YINGST posted by Rita Crane on Wednesday, July 30, 1997

Daniel MCINTIRE b ca 1815, m- Mary WAGANICK (daughter of Jacob) in Darke Co., OH in 1836. Daniel and family are in Boone Co.,IN, in the 1860s-1880s. WAGANICK allied families: YINGST; DEATH; LARGE; VOGEL and BYROADS. Who are Daniel's ancestors? Mary WAGANICK MCINTIRE obit states that Daniel died 1883, however no Boone Co. death records Was Daniel buried in Darke Co.? Would like to exchange info on Daniel's decendants with those who have knowledge of Daniel's ancestors.

DE FLIGNEY, EURY, FLINNEY, WELLS posted by Marlene Labig on Thursday, July 31, 1997

Looking for information on both of my g-g-grandfathers. Benoma WELLS, b. abt. 1842, lived in both Darke and Mercer counties, but may have been born in Indiana. Bazel EURY, m. Celestine FLINNEY (DE_FLIGNEY?) in Darke County.

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