Darke County, Ohio, Genealogy

Queries for January 1998


BOWMAN posted by Chuck Walker on Sunday, January 4, 1998

Looking for any info on Abraham BOWMAN and Mary C. BOWMAN. They were living in Darke Co., OH, in mid 1800`s. They were both from PA.

GUYRE posted by Rick Nixon on Thursday, January 8, 1998

Samuel GUYRE listed in 1825 census of Darke County. Found in German Twp. in 1830 census. Need information about children, parents.

ARNOLD, FLEMING posted by Linda Werts on Wednesday, January 14, 1998

Aaron FLEMING d. 2 February 1877, came to Greenville Township with his parents in 1816. M. Rachel ARNOLD 1831. Children: James b. 1832, William Henry b. 1834, Henry D. b. 1835. Please contact me if you have information on this family.

SHIELDS posted by Audrey Shields Hancock on Wednesday, January 14, 1998

Seek info on Peter SHIELDS who is mentioned on p. 386 of "History of Darke County," OH as owning 480 acres of land in Patterson. Who were his parents & family members?

MCINTURF, NISONGER, NISWONGER posted by Judy Nisonger on Thursday, January 15, 1998

Trying to locate information on NISWONGER / NISONGER family. Newton NISWONGER b.6/30/1845 in Ohio m. Mary MCINTURF b. 8/27/1844 in Ohio. Two of their children Clyde Elmer NISWONGER b. 5/21/1868 and Emma Zetta Sophia NISWONGER b. 1/29/1879 were born in Ithaca, Darke Co., OH.

FOURMAN, MINNICH, STAUFFER posted by Lynn E. Applegate on Friday, January 16, 1998

Seeking information on STAUFFER family. Magdalena STAUFFER, born in PA in 1812, married Abraham MINNICH c1830 in Dauphin County, PA, moved to Montgomery County, Ohio around 1832. One of their children, Susannah MINNICH, married John FOURMAN. Susannah and John Fourman lived in Darke County, Ohio, and died. Susannah died their in 1919. Other members of the STAUFFER family lived in Darke County, Ohio. Any information on the STAUFFER, FOURMAN or MINNICH families would be appreciated.

MEYER, SUPINGER posted by Larry R Johnson on Sunday, January 18, 1998

I am looking for ancestors of Alexander P. SUPINGER. My mother is great-, great-granddaughter of Alexander P. My grandfather's (Guy T. SUPINGER) research stops with -- Conrad "The Immigrant" SUPINGER b.1685 -- his wife was Barbara (MEYER) SUPINGER b.1688/89-d.1784. He is the first to immigrate into the USA, from Switzerland. I would like to hear from those who have info about these SUPINGERs.

CLOPPERT posted by Lloye Patmore on Monday, January 19, 1998

Looking for a Harmon CLOPPERT who had a son, John Schuyler CLOPPERT who was born in 1887. Any info on either one would be appreciated. Thanks.

HOLDEMAN, PASSEMORE, RICE, SUMMERVILLE posted by Gloria Motter on Monday, January 19, 1998

Researching decendents of Joseph HOLDEMAN married to Mariah SUMMERVILLE and his second wife Caroline PASSEMORE. Lived in Rossburg, OH. Joseph HOLDEMAN was justice of the peace in Lightville after the civil war. Children's names Henry, Anson, Frank HOLDEMAN & Cora RICE.

MCCUNE, MOORE posted by Timothy D. Dawe on Tuesday, January 20, 1998

Seeking parents of Henry A. MOORE and wife Louisa MCCUNE, both of Darke Co., Ohio. Henry b. ca 1816 in PA and d. 18 Aug 1896 in Gettysburg, OH. Louisa b. ca 1810-1820 in PA and d. 9 Feb 1886 in Gettysburg, OH. They married in Darke Co. on 24 Oct 1850. Any help is greatly appreciated.

DAVIS, IVESTER, KEPNER, WRIGHT posted by Dawn (Wright) Moore on Wednesday, January 21, 1998

My question involves the name IVESTER. To the best of my knowledge, the first of the IVESTER names were George and Rebecca. George IVESTER was the son of John B. IVESTER from Chester Co., Pennsylvania. He married Rebecca DAVIS in 1851. They had six children, Martha, William H., Emma, Olive, Allie, and Mina.
My father, Harold T. WRIGHT, Jr., is the son of Helen KEPNER and Harold T. WRIGHT, Sr. Helen KEPNER's maiden name was IVESTER and she was the daughter of Emma, who died when she was born. Mattie (Martha) raised her and two nephews.
The IVESTER house in Arcanum was the homestead and it was built by William in 1875. When Mattie died in 1924, she donated the land that is now Ivester Park. My father lived in this house when he was a young child. If you have any further information, please let me know.

BRESLIN, KECK, PERKINS posted by Karen Anne Nicholas on Thursday, January 22, 1998

Seeking info on Maurine BRESLIN married Chester Ira PERKINS 6-5-1908. Did they have children? Did they move to St. Petersburg, FL? Also sister of Maurine, Nellin R. BRESLIN married Harry M. Steinhilber ON 5-6-1903. They dud not have children. But, does Harry have any family in area? Any lead would be appreciated. They are daughters of Timothy BRESLIN and Sophia KECK BRESLIN.

BRENISER, EICHELBERGER, WOLF posted by Glenn Lutzweit on Friday, January 23, 1998

I am researching the following names: Joseph EICHELBERGER, Caroline BRENISER, William WOLF. They lived in Darke County in 1869. William WOLF and Joseph WOLF were one of the first to settle around Rose Hill. Joseph EICHELBERGER And Caroline BRENISER were married in Cumberland Co. Pa. and moved to Darke Co. Ohio in 1869.

ROGERS, RUSH posted by Janie Overley on Saturday, January 24, 1998

Emsley ROGERS married Nancy RUSH in Darke Co. Oh. Dec.31, 1835. Looking for parents of both. Thank You.

WARNER, WILT posted by --?-- Warner on Saturday, January 24, 1998

Harry Elson WARNER born in Greenville, Darke Co. Apr 17, 1885, married Alma WILT.

COUCHOT posted by Jeffery Alan Couchot on Saturday, January 24, 1998

Looking for the father of Albert, Norman, and Frank COUCHOT

COUCHOT posted by Jeffery Alan Couchot on Saturday, January 24, 1998

HUNTER, JOHNSON, LONG, SAUER, WHIPP posted by Cindy Green on Wednesday, January 28, 1998

I am looking for more information on my HUNTER lineage. If any of this looks familiar please email me. Thank you for your time and help!!

Joseph HUNTER b. in Greenville, Darke County, OH; m. Rosa JOHNSON b. in Germany
A son: Andrew HUNTER b. 02 Dec 1873 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., OH, d. 03 Jan 1922 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., OH; m. Anna SAUER b. abt. 1882 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., OH, d. 1966. Andrew and Anna had ten children: (all born in Dayton - as far as I know)
  1. Rose Marie HUNTER 25 May 1904 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., OH, d. 28 Nov 1978 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., OH; m. Russell Richard WHIPP b. 07 Jul 1900 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., OH, d. 23 Jan 1965 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., OH
  2. Frank HUNTER
  3. Joseph HUNTER
  4. Anna HUNTER b. 1906 d. 1988 m. Henry LONG b. 1902 d. 1956
  5. Harriet HUNTER
  6. Charlotte HUNTER
  7. Charles HUNTER
  8. Irene HUNTER
  9. Andrew HUNTER

MILLER, PERRY posted by Don & Lynn Thomas on Thursday, January 29, 1998

Searching for Hannah MILLER b. 31 May 181?. Married to James Madison PERRY 13 Jul 1843 in Washington Twp., Darke County. Had two daughters: Hannah Narcissus PERRY b. 13 Sep 1845 and Mary Jane PERRY b. 3 Dec. 1848. Looking for complete birthdate and name of parents.

SWARTWOOD posted by Sharon D. Bishop on Thursday, January 29, 1998

Andrew SWARTWOOD. I found him in the 1850 US Census in Brown Township, page 484. I have a copy of his discharge papers from the Civil War. I don't know much else about him. I have just started my search. Can you help?

FOX, GAVITT, KENYON, SHOOK, WARBEL posted by Jim Scofield on Saturday, January 31, 1998

Researching the family of Joshua GAVITT who was born abt 1793 in Rhode Island and settled in Brown Twp, Darke Co. by 1850. Joshua married first Pruanna KENYON. They had children Sally Ann (b 1818), Joshua Jr (b 1827), Pruanna June (b 1830) plus several additional girls. Joshua's wife Pruanna died in 1830 and Joshua married Sally FOX 1834 in Logan Co, OH. Joshua and Sally's children include Margaret (b 1834), Stephen (b 1840), David (b 1843), and Richmond (b 1847). Joshua GAVITT Jr and wife Narcisa settled in Wabash Twp, Darke Co. Pruanna June GAVITT married Daniel SHOOK 1852 in Darke Co. and they moved to Indiana. Daniel SHOOK was the son of Isaac SHOOK (d 1844) and Elizabeth WARBEL of Montgomery Co, OH.

MONBECK, SHAFFER posted by Tamara Seeker on Saturday, January 31, 1998

Seeking 1845-50 Darke County, OH, information on: SHAFFER, Wm. [head of household] and Margaret (MONBECK) his wife. Migrated from Darke County to Buchanan County, IA, 1855.

CASE, HUBLER posted by Teresa Bernard on Saturday, January 31, 1998

Emanuel HUBLER, b. January 20, 1828, Germantown, Montgomery Co, OH; m. Charlotte CASE, February 10, 1849, Shelby Co., OH. Children: Alice, Emanuel Calvin, Grant, Daniel Huffman (b. 1855?, d. November 23, 1917), Letticia, Mary, Elizabeth, Ella, and John. Especially interested in Daniel Huffman's descendants. My grandfather, Ralph Raymond HUBLER was the grandson of Daniel and died in Darke Co, OH.

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