Darke County, Ohio, Genealogy

Queries for February 1998


RISSER, WENRICK posted by Gilliam Family on Sunday, February 1, 1998

Looking for Joseph RISSER born 1836 married Mary G. WENRICK, had a son in 1859, died in Bradford, Ohio? Would like any info.

ARGABRIGHT, BLACK, HOLE, LYONS posted by Sharon (Black) Egolf on Monday, February 2, 1998

My research for Frederick BLACK, b. (unknown) d. 1 May 1816, m. Mary (maiden name unknown: ARGABRIGHT ?) has led me to Darke County, where I find many of the names of their children, which I'll list below: Susana BLACK who married David LYONS , Elizabeth BLACK, m. 10 Oct. 1811 to William HOLE, Joseph BLACK, John BLACK b. 26 April 1796 (VA) d. 13 Oct. 1869 in Elkhart County, IN [John married Magdalena (unknown maiden name) b. 13 Nov. 1796 (Maryland) d. 13 Sept 1879 Elkhart Co. IN], Frederick BLACK Jr, Sally BLACK, Peter BLACK, Polly BLACK, Mary BLACK.
I have no known birth dates for the children except for John BLACK. In the Census Index for Twin Township, I find the names Frederick, Jacob, James, Joseph, Peter, and feel this might be the family I am researching. I am trying to confirm that Frederick and Mary BLACK are the parents of Susan. Thank you for any information that you could provide me.

BELLIS, BRADY, COBLE, COX, HAUSS, HOUSS, MARQUITH, MCINTOSH, RODGERS, ROGERS posted by Martha Jeanne Rogers Barnard on Monday, February 2, 1998

I am researching the family of Jeremiah ROGERS / RODGERS who went to Darke Co.,OH in 1818 from Sussex Co., NJ. He was born ca1782. His children were Mariah, m. John MARQUITH; Noah m. Mary; Jane m. Abraham HAUSS/HOUSS; Austin m. Mary; Byram C., m. Aletty BELLIS; Peter m. Elizabeth BRADY; Philip m. Mary COX; Mahala m. James MCINTOSH; Cornelius m. Levina COBLE; Foster. I have hit a stone wall.

CUSTAR, DE WEESE, HOWELL, HYLTON, STAPLETON posted by Micki Fackenthal on Tuesday, February 3, 1998

Looking for any information/descendants of Thomas and Sally (STAPLETON) HOWELL who moved from Champaign County and are listed in Darke County 1830 census before moving to Delaware County, Indiana, around 1834. The only known children are the following:
Mary HOWELL (est 1805 ?VA) m Samuel DE_WEESE on 16 Feb 1825 in Miami County.
Elizabeth HOWELL (est 1812 ?Champaign County) m James McGINNIS on 22 July 1834 in Darke County.
Rhoda Ann HOWELL (est 1820 ?Champaign County) m Isaac CUSTAR in Delaware County, Indiana
I am willing to share what information I have about the HOWELL families from Champaign, Miami, and Darke Counties - primarily Joshua, James, John, Thomas, Daniel, and Jeremiah. Also have some data on two of the three that stayed in Virginia. They are David and Nancy (HYLTON) HOWELL. Thanks for any help.

HESS, OBREST, WILLIAMS posted by Mary Lucille Goodman on Tuesday, February 3, 1998

I am trying to find out some information on a John OBREST that was married in the year of 1847 to Harriet WILLIAMS, in Darke Co., OH. I believe he may be a relation to a Francis Xavier OBREST (m. HESS) of Branch Co., (Coldwater) MI.
Would anyone be able to help me find out info on him. Is there anyone that can help me find his birth, death, copy of that marriage license. The OBREST family I know are Roman Catholic; he also may be too!

GOOD, PYLES posted by Diane Nylin on Thursday, February 12, 1998

Limuel M. PYLES (1849-1907) married Almeda GOOD (1865-1946) in Greenville (Darke County), OH in 1884. Almeda GOOD was the daughter of Samuel and Margaret GOOD of OH. Limuel & Almeda had 1 daughter (Grace Pearl PYLES) before moving to Judsonia, White County, AR, in 1885. Any info appreciated. Just starting search. Thank you.

LEAS posted by William Leas on Sunday, February 15, 1998

Walter LEAS (my Grandfather) is supposed to have emigrated from the Darke county area of Ohio to Canada near the turn of the century. I know his history, but I do not know my great-grandfather's given name, or any previous LEAS history. All I know is that the point of origin (before Canada) was Greenville, Ohio. I would be very interested in any history associated with the surname LEAS or any birth records of a Walter Leas! Thanks if you can help!

BRODERICK, BRODRICK posted by Phil Kiracofe on Monday, February 16, 1998

Request info on Hugh BRODRICK / BRODERICK. Born in Ireland 12/27/1816; emigrated to US circa 1833; settled in Darke Co. and married Mary Naomian (maiden name unk) on 8/11/1865; died 10/9/1872. My great grandmother, Mary Eliza BRODERICK was born 7/28/1870; siblings: John, Will and Nellie. Any information appreciated.

DEUBNER, GRIMES, JOHNSTON, LUDY, POE, RECK, WARVEL, ZIMMERMAN posted by Lisa Grimes on Tuesday, February 17, 1998

I am a Darke Co., OH, native, researching: GRIMES, JOHNSTON, LUDY, WARVEL, DEUBNER, RECK, POE, and ZIMMERMAN

GILDEA, HUNT posted by Cathy Chase on Friday, February 20, 1998

I am researching Thomas J. HUNT. He came from Ireland around 1848 with his parents Thomas Patrick and Eliza HUNT. Thomas J. married Mary GILDEA, daughter of Michael and Honora GILDEA who were possibly from Ireland. She died in Dayton, OH, before 1890. Their parents must have died in OH also. Mary and Thomas J. had a child, Isabelle, born in Cincinnati on 2 September 1877. I would appreciate any help. Thanks.

JONES, MANNING, PIERSON posted by John Hutchins on Saturday, February 21, 1998

Need more on parents, descendants of Francis and Elizabeth (MANNING) JONES. Francis may be nickname for Franklin. Francis, b. ca 1823 OH, d (?), son of Abraham and Rebecca (PIERSON) JONES, m 20 Jul 1811 Westfield, NJ. Rebecca b. 1791, Westfield, Union Co., NJ and d 1883. Where was Abraham from? Census records indicate VA (his & some kids') or NJ (other kids'). Franklin and several sibliings resided Mississanawa Twp, Darke Co.

EBY, SHAFFER posted by Pat Frappier on Sunday, February 22, 1998

Isaac EBY m 1839 (while resident of Dayton) to Margaret SHAFFER b. 1819 in Lancaster Co, Pa. Margaret d. c. 1855 in Darke County, Ohio. Issue: Isaac, Jefferson, Dallas, Permilla, Theodore, Sheaffer, Michael, Maria M.

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