Darke County, Ohio, Genealogy

Queries for March 1998


CARPENTER, DECKER, UNDERWOOD posted by Jackie Decker on Monday, March 2, 1998

I am searching for descendants of John B. DECKER b. 1823; he was one of 5 brothers who immigrated from Germany in 1854. I believe two of the brothers' were George and Nicholas. John B. married Camilla CARPENTER b. 28 Jan 1833, she was the daughter of Cyrus CARPENTER and Sarah UNDERWOOD both of Pennsylvania. The marriage date 29 Apr 1855 in Monroe Twp., Darke Co., Ohio. Their children Franklin , Ann, Ella, Charles Edward, George W., Mary Ann, Cassious, Bertha, and John Ray DECKER. I believe that they relocated to Tarkio, Missouri in the 1880's.

ARNETT, HOLLER, KNEE, MARCUM, WARD posted by Pam Roberts on Tuesday, March 3, 1998

I am trying to locate the descendants of George ARNETT & Catherine HOLLER, Bartholomew MARCUM & Elizabeth WARD. Also looking for parents and siblings of Anna KNEE. I will try to answer all that contact me as soon as possible.

BURGAN, CORWIN, KOONTZ, RATLIFF, RICE, WEAVER, WEYBRIGHT posted by Cheryl Ann (Hudepohl) Fehring on Tuesday, March 3, 1998

Researching descendants and ancestors of the following Darke County families:
   Thomas (1806-1859) & Elizabeth (1803-1892) RATLIFF
   William (1803-1876) & Elizabeth BURGAN (1807-1866) RICE
   John H. (1820-1897) & Marie WEAVER (1819-1900) CORWIN
   Samuel W. (1822-1903) & Elizabeth Rebecca KOONTZ (1827-1869) WEYBRIGHT

FOWLER posted by Wanda Wilson on Thursday, March 5, 1998

Daniel FOWLER born 1793 in MD/OH? 1850 Darke Co., Jackson Twp census says his wife is Alice born 1794 in N.J.. Children; Clark born Oct. 1831 and Ruth born 1836. There is a John (Newton) living there. Next entry shows Allen FOWLER born 1818 living with his wife Nancy S. and six children. Is this a younger brother or an older son? Clark is my gggrfr. He was with Sherman in Confederate Army. How can I go back further?

PRASUHN, WILLIAMS posted by Barbara Rainbow on Tuesday, March 10, 1998

Harry Louis PRASUHN b 7 Jan 1902 Darke Co, OH, d 21 Jan 1979 Greenville, Darke Co -and- Mary Ann WILLIAMS d 3 Jan 1957 Greenville, Darke Co

GILPATRICK, ROBERTS posted by Paul D. Roberts III on Friday, March 13, 1998

4-11-1846 - Tunis ROBERTS aged 17 yrs. chose Rufus GILPATRICK as his guardian with Rufus to also serve as guardian of David ROBERTS aged 13 yrs., Peter ROBERTS aged 10 yrs, and Daniel ROBERTS aged 7 yrs.    Why?????    Who were the parents of these children? Any info would be helpful. The source is Common Pleas Court Records-Darke County, Ohio.

THOMPSON, WOOD posted by Ruth Wood on Saturday, March 14, 1998

Searching for Samuel WOOD and wife, Elizabeth Roll THOMPSON WOOD. Family history shows they left Darke county about 1836. Alexander WOOD, a son was born in Darke county, Oct. 20, 1832. There were a number of children and several died very young. Samuel was in war of 1812.

BLISS, DREW, LOCK, SMITH, THATCHER, WERT posted by Cindy Gant Sopko on Saturday, March 14, 1998

I'm researching THATCHER, WERT, SMITH, DREW, BLISS, LOCK, all in Darke County, Ohio. Thanks... My gedcom is online.

FISHER, MURPHY posted by Cathy Graham Hecker on Sunday, March 15, 1998

I am looking for Benjamin MURPHY Sr. He moved from Pa to Butler Co., then to Darke Co. He showed up in the 1820 census. How many children and who was his wife. They live in Greenville-Town on page 67. Who was the mother of Elizabeth MURPHY? She married David FISHER in 1820 in Darke county, Ohio. Sure hope someone can help with all of this. Thank you in advance.

ANTHONY, FUNDERBURGH posted by Kelly Anthony on Monday, March 16, 1998

I am looking for more information on my great-grandfather Alvin ANTHONY. He was listed in the 1880 census as a 12 year old servant and farmer for George W. FUNDERBURGH of Darke county, Monroe Twp. Alvin was born in Ohio in 1869 to parents also born in Ohio. But that's all I know. Was he an orphan? I will welcome any info.

MICHAEL posted by Tom Robeson on Monday, March 16, 1998

I am looking for information on Sarah Jane MICHAEL's father George MICHAEL born in Darke Co. and her mother Elizabeth last name unknown also born in Darke Co. Sarah was born Feb 1851 in Darke Co.

UNGERICHT posted by Rex Ungericht on Thursday, March 19, 1998

Need info on UNGERICHT family members, especially Greenville's David Christian UNGERICHT (1828-1898) and his ancestors and descendants.

BRUNER, STEPHENS posted by Joyce VanTassell on Friday, March 20, 1998

Looking for Mary Elizabeth STEPHENS' sister - They were born in West Virginia (near Martinsburg) - Mary born in 1849; died 1920; and their parents died. Another family took them in and then all moved to Darke County, Ohio where, Mary married Samuel Martin BRUNER in 1870. Also looking for their parents, too!

BANTA, BANTY, TRAGER posted by Michael Steffen on Saturday, March 21, 1998

I am searching for more information (like marriage date?/place?) for Jacob F. TRAGER, Sr. (1816-1899) who was married (abt 1843?) to Rachel BANTA (BANTY) (b. 1826-1827 and d. after 1895)? The 1850 Darke Co. Census shows them living in Twin Twp, but there is no marriage record in Darke Co. They moved to Mahaska Co., IA, between 1850 to 1860. Their first child named Sarah Jane TRAGER was born in Darke Co. (town and township unknown) on 12 July 1846. Any information you can find on these people and their families will be appreciated. I think this Jacob served in Indian War before 1850 in Indiana (Franklin Co.), west of Darke Co., OH.

ANTHONY, ARNOT, ARNTZ posted by Kelly Anthony on Tuesday, March 24, 1998

My gr-great grandfather Enos or Enoch ANTHONY, was listed in the 1870 census as living in Monroe twp, Darke Co, as a farm laborer. He married Catherine ARNTZ or ARNOT according to an 1860 marriage record. Catherine is listed as ARNTZ on my great-grandfather Alvin's (b. 1869) death certificate.

SHOOK posted by Bill Cupp on Monday, March 30, 1998

Looking for any information concerning Jefferson SHOOK of York Township, Darke County, Ohio. He is listed in the 1850 census with his spouse and children; in 1860 the only entry is for "J. Shook" and one of his children.

Would like to know anything at all concerning Jefferson SHOOK, his parentage, his spouse and her background, or anything concerning the wanderings and marriages of his children.

BANTA, HENDERSON, SHIELDS posted by Kathryn E. Stuart on Tuesday, March 31, 1998

Who are the parents of Emsley HENDERSON? Where did they migrate from? Birth 11 May 1823 possibly in State of Ohio Death 8 Apr 1878 in Darke Co, OH (age 54) Married Mary BANTA 15 Dec 1850 in Darke Co, OH (age 27) Mary is the daughter of Jacob BANTA and Jane SHIELDS. Children: Catherine Jane HENDERSON (4 Oct 1851-29 Jun 1925). Were there other children?

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