Darke County, Ohio, Genealogy

Queries for June 1998


KETTERING, KETTRING, RENNELLS, REYNOLDS posted by Kathy Rennells on Friday, June 5, 1998

Adolphus RENNELLS (REYNOLDS), Eleanor KETTRING daughter Martin KETTERING, Charles RENNELLS In DCO in Washington and German townships about 1808 to 1830.

BAILEY, BENNETT, BROWN, LUNDY, MCKAY, RUNYON, SHULTZ, STRAIT, TURPEN posted by Barbara Brown on Saturday, June 6, 1998

David Fillmore BENNETT b 9-27-1845 d 11/17/1913 bur Teegarden Cemetery, b Woodington, Brown Twp Darke Co Oh, m Rebecca BAILEY 12/16/1866, she was b 1/2/1843 d 3/4/1912 her father was Henry BAILEY b 12-19-1811 d 7-6-1876 m Nancy RUNYON 12/18/1834 b 2-20-1818 d 12-10-1909 came to Darke Co, Brown Twp 1833, had 5 sons & 4 daughters: Mary A, John L, Samuel, Stephen, Rebecca m David BENNETT was a Civil War Vet., Hannah m MCKAY, Adda m Oscar STRAIT, William BAILEY served 3 yrs in Civil War, Cora Etta BENNETT b 11-16-1871 d 5-10-1925 b Teegarden Cem, Br Twp, m Frank A. BROWN 6-24-1903 Rev W. L. LUNDY Woodington Oh, Darke Co b 5-5-1864, d 12-9-1931 Wayne Co, Richmond, IN bur Teegarden Cem Brown Twp Darke Co Oh his parents Stephen BROWN m Elizabeth SHULTZ 10-16-1859 need birth & death date for Stephen & Elizabeth SHULTZ BROWN, burial also. Stephen had a sister Margaret. We believe from census records Stephen's father might have died and she re-married George TURPEN. If anyone has any information, thank you.

DUVALL posted by Marjorie M. Matzen on Monday, June 8, 1998

Daniel DUVALL appeared on the 1830 and 1850 census of Darke Co. I believe he may be an ancestor. Any info on the DUVALLs would be appreciated. Thank you!

WILLIS, WILLS posted by Michele Brooks on Tuesday, June 9, 1998

Seeking information on the family of John WILLIS or WILLS who came to Darke Co. about 1829. Possibly native of Maryland and/or Pennsylvania.

MCCORKLE, MILLER posted by Russ McCorkle on Tuesday, June 9, 1998

Looking for information on relatives Ruth MCCORKLE MILLER (b 1903, d 1979) and Lawrence MILLER. Also, great-grandparents Rosa (b 1873, d 1967) and --?-- MCCORKLE. All of these lived on farms outside Greenville in Darke County. We know they were active in The Brethren Church. Any information helpful.

BROOKS, HOKE posted by Roger Brooks on Wednesday, June 10, 1998

I am looking for information about siblings of David BROOKS. David and Susannah (HOKE) Lived in Misssissawa Township, Darke Co., OH, between 1833-1893. They were founders of the Raper Chapel church. The 1850 census list a son of the age of 7 but in the 1860's census he disappears. I am looking for David's and Susannah's obituaries as they died in August of 1893. This was recorded in the "Independent", I think this was a Ft. Recovery (Mercer Co.) paper.

ROSS, WHITE posted by Jacquie King on Thursday, June 11, 1998

Jacob Simeon ROSS b. 1843, German community, Darke County, Ohio; m. Fannie Bullitta WHITE; d. 1920.

DOTY posted by Sharon Gilmore on Friday, June 12, 1998

Frazee DOTY.

ADAMS, COLEMAN posted by Ric Jensen on Friday, June 12, 1998

I am looking for more information on COLEMANs who lived in Darke County. William COLEMAN was born in Union City in 1835. William was one of many children born to John A. COLEMAN [died in 1878 in Union County]; others included Barbara, Margaret, Susan, Rosena, and Leonard. William moved to Missouri [Moniteau County] and was married to Sarah ADAMS. His son, Charles Fordyce COLEMAN, is my great-grandfather. Any assistance would be appreciated.

BRINEY, GIVANS, GIVENS, WARNER posted by Marjorie A. Nemitz on Wednesday, June 17, 1998

Edward GIVENS b. 1804 VA, married Elizabeth (BRINEY?) in Darke Co., May 25, 1828. Elizabeth b. 1810, OH. 1850 Fed. Census shows a Catherine BRINEY age 74 b. OH living with Edward & Elizabeth. Is Catherine, Elizabeth's mother? Edward & Elizabeth had ten children b. Darke Co., OH between 1828 & 1849. What happened to them?

The eldest child was John C. F. GIVENS (frequently misspelled "GIVANS") b. Dec. 28, 1828, b. OH he marr. Elizabeth WARNER Dec. 23, (maybe 1849). WARNERs are also Darke Co., OH, people. This GIVENS ended up in Los Angeles where he died Oct. 8, 1924. The family doesn't seem to know what happened to Edward's other children, or to Edward ... or who Edward's parents were ...

BARBER posted by Laura L. Barber on Thursday, June 18, 1998

I am searching for info on John BARBER he was in the Darke County census report for 1840. He was born in NY and married Mary born in Ireland. They had a son together in Ohio. His name was Enos born Feb. 5.1837. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.

ROSE, WOODS posted by Nora Borts on Monday, June 22, 1998

Seeking information on James and Hezekiah WOODS. Hezekiah was married in Darke County to Lydia Ann ROSE on 20 January, 1851. They also came from this County.

FRY, HELMAN, SHULTZ posted by Bill Malcolm on Monday, June 22, 1998

The wife of my g-grandfather Christian FRY (1776-1848), born in Somerest County, PA, was Barbara SHULTZ (1782-1876). She moved to Darke County along with her son-in-law Adam HELMAN (his wife was Mary "Polly" FRY daughter of Christian and Barbara). My Granfather was Levi FRY (1819-1904) who was a minister in the Church of The Brethren in Cherryhill Twp, Indiana County, PA. Any information will be appreciated.

COX, HELM, WALLACE posted by L. Hill on Wednesday, June 24, 1998

John WALLACE b l785 Antrim Twp., Franklin Co, PA, son of George & Rebecca (HELM) WALLACE, d Darke Co, OH. l800 to Cincinnati, OH, m Priscilla R. COX. CH: Priscilla, Rachel, Mary, John C., Henry H., James T., Benjamin T.

BENNETT, LONG posted by Jerry Miller on Wednesday, June 24, 1998

I am looking for any and all information on a Charles BENNETT, b. 1802 in Bedford County, PA, who married Catherine LONG (not sure when) then moved to Darke County, OH. Nothing further is known about them. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

AYERS, BOICE posted by Shirley --?-- on Wednesday, June 24, 1998

Searching for AYERS listed in the 1850 census of Greenville, Twsp. Also same place same Census the BOICE family. Thanks so much.

GESAMAN posted by Alice Gesaman on Sunday, June 28, 1998

John and Edith GESAMAN had a daughter born at East Greenville, Darke Co. in 1901. Did they die there? Where are they buried? Does anyone know any information on John GESAMAN and his family?

FRENCH, HARR posted by Mary Saggio on Tuesday, June 30, 1998

Looking for Sarah A. FRENCH born October 16, 1826 in New Paris, Darke Co, OH. She married Abraham (Abram) HARR May 20, 1845. Would like information on parents and/or siblings of Sarah.

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