Darke County, Ohio, Genealogy

Queries for August 1998


O HARRA, THOMAS posted by Jacki O'Harra on Sunday, August 2, 1998

I am looking for the parents and siblings of Phoebe Jane THOMAS, born about 1825 in New Madison, Darke, Ohio. In 1847 she married William O_HARRA in New Paris and had the following children: William Albert, John E., Mary Elizabeth and Franklin. Any information will be most helpful. Thank you.

BUCHHOLZ, HAMMOND, HILL, LEAR, NETZLEY posted by D. Dmith on Thursday, August 6, 1998

Searching for Clyde HILL Family of Darke Co. in the very early 1900's. I think his father was Samuel HILL and mother was Emma. Did Clyde marry a Lavinia LEAR about 1902. Did these families stay in this or nearby areas ? Somehow related to the BUCHHOLZ and or NETZLEY Families of Darke county which is the ancestral home of my wife, Betty (HAMMOND) Smith, dau. of Myrtle BUCHHOLZ, born in Darke co. Thank You.

BOLLINGER, BOYD, CHRISTIAN, DERR, DIR, MOSS posted by Susan Gale on Friday, August 7, 1998

Looking for information on John BOYD (b) Jan. 31, 1857 in Ohio; (d) June 1940 in Climax, MI; m. 1877 in Ohio to Leah DERR b. abt 1858 near Webster, Ohio (what cty is this?) (d) May 17, 1926. Their 1st child Minnie Gertrude BOYD b. June 25, 1878 in Adams Twp, Darke Cty. Rest born in MI. John's death record gives F: David BOYD b. Missouri; m. 1841 in Darke Cty to Susan CHRISTIAN b. Pa. No other info on siblings or parents. Leah's F: Daniel DERR (DIR on Death rec); M: Mahala BOLLINGER in 1843; (Death rec. shows MOSS). Thanks!!

FULKERTH posted by AOLer9 --?-- on Saturday, August 8, 1998

: FULKERTH: Martin and Peter and Peter in the 1800's

COOK, WYSONG posted by Sharon Murphy on Sunday, August 9, 1998

Searching for info on family of David WYSONG and Sarah Sally COOK m Aug 20 1830 Montgomery Co and living in Darke Co Ohio Van Buren Twp in 1849 children are Henry, Valentine, Lewis, David, Simeon, MaryAnn, and Abner.

GINGER posted by Ken Storm on Sunday, August 9, 1998

Researching the surname GINGER, known areas are Hollanburg, Greenville and New Madison in Darke County. Time period of 1830's to present.

JACOBI, JACOBY, KNOTT, MOSS, NETTER posted by John C. Jacoby on Monday, August 10, 1998

Seeking information on Henry JACOBI / JACOBY and family. Henry immigrated to US in 1854 from Hamburg, Germany, arriving in New York City on the S.S. South America with wife Margarethe KNOTT JACOBY? and several small children. By 1858 he had settled in Greenville, Darke Co., Ohio, when he took the Naturalization Oath. He was born in Hessia abt 1814 and died in 1894. He and his wife are buried in St. Peter's Cemetery, Greenville. Known to have had a large family only the names of three sons are known at this time. They were Henry C. JACOBI, William J. JACOBI, and Frederick JACOBY. Information on Frederick is scarce and most sought after. He is thought to belong to this family, but is absent on Census. He was listed as a passenger on the Steamship, but disappears from record until October 4, 1876 when he married Rachel MOSS NETTER of Louisville, KY, in Peoria, Illinois. He died of T.B. March 9, 1893 without a Peoria Co., IL Death Certificate.

RIFE, SOURS posted by Sheila Rife on Tuesday, August 11, 1998

L.N. (Losen), Statton, and Nathan RIFE are listed in 1880 census for Mississinawa Twp. Any information would be appreciated. Losen was married to Martha J. SOURS.

CHENOWETH posted by John A. McCall on Tuesday, August 11, 1998

Was John Wesley CHENOWETH born in 1836/1838 related to any of the CHENOWETH families who were in Darke Co., OH, during this time period? John married Mary Ann Anderson in Piatt Co., IL, in 1860. Looking for his parents.

SHOOK, SNEARY posted by Joann Van Boven on Thursday, August 13, 1998

I am looking for information on Mary SNEARY. I do not know when she was born, but she married Samuel ShOOK. I believe they were in Darke Co. Their son John A SHOOK was born in 1833.

BRUN, MATCHETT, NICHOLSON, NORTH posted by Tom Hall on Wednesday, August 19, 1998

I am searching for BRUN, NICHOLSON, NORTH married to Rachel MATCHETT in Darke Co. Ohio. Intrested in a death date for Rachel BRUN.

DAILEY, DUNN posted by Carol Dunn Hoopingarner on Wednesday, August 19, 1998

I am seeking information about the parents of Milton DUNN, born April 8, 1830, I think in Darke County, Ohio. I think his father's name was Isaac. Milton died Nov. 17, 1905. He was married to Mary E. DAILEY on May 17, 1851. I cannot trace my family back any further than this and would really appreciate any other information you might have. Thank you very much.

CROMER posted by Stan Douglas on Saturday, August 22, 1998

Fredrick CROMER 1752 Newberry, SC, came to America from Germany on the ship "Upton" to Charleston,SC. His father was Michael CROMER and came from Rotterdam Germany on the ship "Crimless" in 1732. Hope this helps. If you get other information, please post.

ARNETT posted by Amy Campbell on Sunday, August 23, 1998

Please help! I am desperately seeking information on the Minnie ARNETT listed as buried in one of your Darke County cemetaries. While I am not certain, there is a good chance she is my great grandmother.

DIXON, LANDERS posted by Ann Olson on Friday, August 28, 1998

Henry LANDERS and Nellie DIXON married 20 Sept 1849 Drake Co. Ohio and had known children born in Ohio Rube, William, John 1860 and Henry in 1865.

COBLE, CORTNER, COTNER, CURTNER, MARTINDALE, MULLENIX posted by Daniel Cotner on Sunday, August 30, 1998

I am trying to connect 2 Solomon COTNERs.

1. Solomon COTNER b. 1843 possibly in Montgomery Co. or Darke Co. of Ohio. m. Kesiah MARTINDALE 19 dec 1867 b.1847. Solomon is buried in Crooked Creek Cemetery of Cass Co. of Ind.. He died 1910 and his wife is buried with him. I suspect he is a son of the next Solomon COTNER. I cannot prove but will welcome any info on the fact that he had a brother by the name of Ransom COTNER whom was my ggrandfather.

2. Solomon COTNER b. 1794 possibly in Shenandoah Co., Va. (originally Orange Co.) d.1871, where ?. m. Elizabeth/Betsy MULLENIX (Mullinac) I think he is a son of Daniel CURTNER and Mary COBLE. In our local FHC, I found a microfiche on Ohio that list a Solomon COTNER m. Betsy MULLENIX in 1821. I suspect and am looking for the connection that he is a brother of Eli COTNER b. Jan 1795 Shenandoah Co. Va. (originally Orange Co.) to Daniel Cotner (CORTNER, CURTNER) and Nackey MULLENIX b. 1798 N.C. (looking for more info on her also) Eli and Nackey are buried in Crooked Creek Cemetery of Cass Co., Ind.

Can anyone tell me where I might acquire a book by Neal M. Cotner "A Window to the Past: A History of Peter Gortner-Cotner, 1704-1753: His Descendants and Associated Families."

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