Earnest Putnam JAQUA b. April 15, 1855 in New Madison, Harrison County, OH is my great, great grandpa. He went to MO where he married Mary KEAS and had 6 children - Roy Hiraim, Fred Putnam, Jesse Belle, Charles Earl, Ethel, and Walter Gray.
Would like to know about our family in Darke County that he left behind.
Searching for genealogy information on Lucy A. MANUEL of Washington Twp., Darke County, who was married to James C. SLATERY on May 5, 1864, in Greenville, OH. I believe Lucy A. parents were Phillip and Mary MANUEL of Washington Twp., Darke Co.
Looking for more information on any family of above MANUEL or SLATERY. I think SLATERY may have lived in Hamilton County, though possibly around Greenville about 1859. Would appreciate hearing any information. Thank you.
Researching Dennis HART and Jane MCCLURE. I am descended from their daughter, Peninah Allen HART who married Eli BATES. I would like to know where Brinley Station was located in Darke Co. That was Peninah's birthplace, according to her death certificate. Thank you.
I am interested in any info on Levi Newton STEPHENS from Union City area. He was married to Cara Opal BAKER. I have found him in the 1880 census, he was born around 1873 his father was Isaiah married to Kate.
Update on my query of Nov.1998. I have recently found Nathaniel SHEPHERD's lost death certicicate. It states his mother was Sara (Sarah) Ann (Anne) BROCK and his middle name was Isaac. He was born Aug. 12, 1966. His sister's name might have been Pheobe Jane. His four childern were Charles, Jesse, Cary Franklin, and his only daughter Margaret.
I am researching information concerning geneology for my great grandfather Noah Sylvester DALE, born in Darke Co. on 11/03/1855. His fathers' name was Paul DALE (DEAL, DIEHL) and mothers' name Mary. He moved to Livingston County, Illinois, as a young man.
Charles Wesley COBO was my grandfather and is buried in Greenville. He was married to Florence Cordella HOWE. She was born in 1876 and is also buried in Greenville, next to her sister, Martha (Mattie) FULK. I can trace back to the Mayflower through Florence, but I have found nothing regarding Charles COBO. Assistance very much appreciated.
Jacob PHILLIPS born May 22, 1808 Ohio Milinda BRICKER ; born October 30, 1812 Ohio; PHILLIPS & BRICKER married in Darke Co., Ohio, on March 21, 1833. Children born to them in Ohio: Daniel, John B., and Nelson 1836-38. The rest of their children were born in Indiana. They were: Rachel, Catherine, Joseph V., Nancy J., James K., Benjamine F., William, Levi C., and Sena A. from 1839 to 1858. Also a Grandchild Jacob C. PHILLIPS born; Oct. 23, 1869. If you have any information on this family please E-Mail me.
Need information regarding my great-grandparents' families; Robert IRELAN (dob 04/25/1873) and Ossia Ann THARP (dob 11/23/1877). Both were born in Darke County, OH.
Searching for 1/2 bro and sister to my husband Ernest Glen RAMSEY: James Allen RAMSEY b 29 Jun 1956 Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio Diana Lynn RAMSEY b abt 30 Dec 1960 Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio Father: James Arnold RAMSEY b 12 May 1929 Clarkrange, Tennessee Mother: Vella CHOTE
LINTON, Samuel and his wife Margaret (Peggy) WALKER LINTON, James Walker and his wife, Mary Ann WHEELER LINTON, Charles Sylvester and his wife Cora Amanda ASPY (ASPEY ?)
Any great-grandchildren, other relatives still in Darke County? I believe that Samuel LINTON and his family were early settlers in Darke County and that they were involved in the community and the Methodist Episcopal Church. I know they are mentioned in history books about the 1800s. I would like to know burial places, any vignettes, living relatives, etc.
Need info on Noah R. MILLER b. 1845 PA; d. 1913 Preble Co., OH; m. Harriet "Hettie" GARBER b. 1850 OH; d. 1922 Preble Co., OH. Both are buried in Castine Cemetary, Castine, Darke Co., OH. Their children were: Elvandia, Lottie, A. Ada, Ida, George, Ward R., Martin, & Mary E. Would like to find names of Noah R. MILLER's parents and/or siblings.
I am searching for any information on the following people. Barbara STONEROCK married William Hanford CROMER and had a daughter Harriet in 1867. Harriet was born in Union City, Darke County, Ohio. Barbara's parents were Samual STONEROCK and Catherine METZGAR, who was born in 1805. That is extent of the information I have on them. Please contact me if you can help to fill in the gaps.
Several cousins are looking for more information about Job ARMSTRONG who is buried in York Twp., Darke Co., 11 Jul 1861. Married to Anna who is buried in the old Penn Center Cemetery, Penn Twp., Dallas Co., Iowa. Ten children were born to this union: James, George, Alpheus, Lovina, Hannah, John(?), William (?), Alexander/Addison C., Samuel, and Nancy. Thank you for your help.
James D. MILLER had a daughter Margaret MILLER who married Obediah BARCHUS. They had twelve children. I am trying ot locate birth record for Margaret bown 2-16-1839 in Nashville, OH.
Wanted a CORDONNIER from the Darke Co. area that would correspond with a CORDONNIER in France. Originally from the Faverios, Delle, Jonchery, Belfort, Belfort Terr. of France. For more information, contact me.
I am looking for info on Jacob K. BISH b. @1824 d. 8 Jun 1900 buried in Abbotsville Cemetery, Darke Co. and his wife Mary b. @1826 d. 10 May 1908 buried same cemetery, same stone. Thanks
Looking for information on family of Elizabeth RAFF born Feb 24, 1844, in Darke County, Ohio. She married John SUMMERS (SOMMERS) in Iowa City, Iowa in 1866.
I am searching for information regarding the family of John Frederick BOBENMOYER III, gggg Grandfather. Born on May 18, 1780 in Maxatawny Twp., Berks County, PA. John Frederick died in Arcanum, Butler Twp., Darke Co., Ohio on Dec 28, 1869; he was 89. Buried in Beechgrove Cemetery, Arcanum, Butler Twp., Darke Co., Ohio. Occupation: Farmer. On May 1, 1832, Frederick sold the old Longswamp homestead, inherited from his grandfather. A record of his sale is recorded on p. 45, vol 41, in the deed book for Berks County, Reading, PA. The entire family, including their married children left for Ohio and settled about 30 miles northwest of Cincinnati. In abt 1800 when John Frederick was 19, he married Christina Ann KLINE, gggg Grandmother, in Berks County, PA. Born abt 1780. They had the following children: Catherine (1801-), David (1803-), Benjamin (1805-), John (1808-), George (1808-1888), Julian (1815-), Charles (1817-), Sarah (1823-) & Susan (1826-)