Looking for all HANSBERGER / HANSBARGER family members who lived in Darke County. I believe they are related to my HANSBERGER line from Shenandoah Valley, Virginia.
I am looking for the address of Oakland Cem, Darke Co, OH. I am doing research on a Joseph RICHARDSON; he is burried in the Oakland Cem. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Researching families of ROSE. Ezekiel ROSE b 1705 m Mary FIDLER, Charles ROSE b 1765 m Rebecca MULLINER, Hopkins ROSE b 1784 m Susannah CONNER, Ezekiel ROSE b 1818 m Elizabeth BIRT, and Hetti Hester ROSE b 1874 m Charles HOUDESHELL.
Looking for information on Joshua FOWBLE and Eleanor RICHARDS in Harrison Twp, Darke Co. Census in 1850. Children: Steven, Catherine, Mary E, Kesiah (b 7-19-1845, and Martha A.
Searching connections to Samuel Simeon HOUDESHELL B.3-1-1822 M. Married Mary Susuan GREER, nine children in Preble and Darke. Sarah B.1854, John W. B.1853, George Andrew B.1857, Annah Mary B.1859, Jennie Ellen B.1865, Harry Meyers B.1867, and Charles Albert B.11-4-1870.
John Ray GODOWN b. 9 Oct 1821 Hunterdon County, New Jersey, married Mary FOREMAN on 20 Aug 1850. Where??? His parents were Isaac GODOWN and Parmelia/Parnelia M MEYERS/MYERS. I would like information about Isaac and Parmelia and the children in their family. Mary FOREMAN/FOURMAN/FORMAN b. Preble County, Ohio, 16 Oct 1829.
I would like to know if her parents were George FOREMAN and Catherine (?). What was Catherine's maiden name? Who were the children in the family? I have a FOREMAN family picture, but no captions or identification on it. Thank you for any assistance.
I am searching descendants of Riley and Jane JACKSON DUNEVANT who came to Adams Twsp., Darke Co., Ohio c1818. I have list of children and will share. Riley died in 1867, Warren Co., Ohio. Buried at My.Holly, Ohio. Jane died in 1872. Buried at Covington, Ohio. Thanks.
Researching Alexander BAYLOR, father of my gr gr grandmother. I believe he may be in the Adams Township, Darke Co. l830 census. Need more info on him to determine connection. My Alexander BAYLOR marr. Mary Esther FLOCK in Dayton, Ohio. They had 7 children Adam, Perry, Jesse, Jane, Vasthi, Mahala (my gr gr grandmother), and Catherine. My Alexander BAYLOR died in l836. Any additional info will help. I wish I could be more specific but the above is literaly all the info I have. Thank you in advance for your generous work and interest .
Looking for additional information on George REED (b. May 1818 in Darke County) m. Elizabeth REED (Jan 1819). George's father was Donovan REED. Elizabeth's parents were William M. REED (b. Dec 1781, d. Darke County, OH) m. Sarah ????. We believe that Donovan and William were brothers. Any additional information would be very helpful.
Looking for DOB, DOD for my maternal gr grandparents: Forrest L. HEIRONIMUS b. unk d. unk m. Nellie (Maiden name unk) HEIRONIMUS b. unk d. unk Children: Omar Leon HEIRONIMUS, Virginia Rita (WHITE) HEIRONIMUS (Mother)
Children: Leonard Walker HEIRONIMUS b. 7/39/1899 d. 2/1954 m. Helen Bernice LITTLE 9/27/1920 (Grandparents) Native of Jeffersonville, OH. Leonard, Earl, Harvey, Ralph.
Research indicates that HEIRONIMUS family migrated from Virginia to Darke County. Would like any help! Thanks
Elizabeth VOISARD d. 1906 Versailles or Newport James Patrick DAVIS b. 3-4-1872 d. 9 -3- 1948 Anderson, IN. father Michael DAVIS, mother Catherine LYONS both born in Ireland
Looking for information on Mary Elizabeth BREWSTER, daughter of Jackson and Mary Ann (MARTIN) BREWSTER, b.8 Jan 1849 in Fayette County, PA. Mary Elizabeth was left at a farmhouse in Ohio as a child (either in Wayne or Darke County) when her family moved from Pennsylvania to Ohio. She married Emanuel BAIR on 13 Mar 1869. The couple had 9 children, all born in Darke County, OH: Daniel BAIR b.26 Aug 1875, Noah BAIR b.24 April 1881, Cora Latia BAIR b.1 Dec 1878, Delilah Anna BAIR b.24 Jan 1877, Laura Francis BAIR b.13 Feb 1886, William Henry BAIR b.20 Apr 1884, Caroline BAIR b.unk, Samuel S. BAIR b.8 Feb 1870, and Etta May BAIR b.25 May 1873. Any information appreciated.
John BATES is the father of Eliza Jane BATES. According to Tucker's "History of Randolph, Co., Indiana," John lived in Tampico, Ohio (Darke County). He was killed by a tree falling on him in his clearing two years before Eliza married Adolphus BARNES of Spartanburg, IN. She married in 1844. I have found a record reference in the Miami Valley web site that John BATES' gravestone reads he died in 1842, thus confirming Tucker's. Who was John's wife? What other children besides Eliza? Where was John born and who were his parents?
Squoir Staton RUSH, born 8/5/1857, Darke County, OH. Married Nancy Ann ROBERTS also of Darke County, born 8/1/1861. No siblings or parents known on S.S. RUSH.
Seeking parents of Mary Ann TEAFORD born in Greenville, Darke County, on 19 March 1822. She married Henry HARTER in Greenville on 30 March 1837 -- they later moved to Jay Co., IN.
Anna Marie COUCHOT was born 13 May 1867 to Nicolas (sic) and Eugenie (PAPON) COUCHOT. She married William Augustus STULL b. 6 Mar 1860 in 1886. He died in Bluffton, Allen County 23 Dec 1897. Mary (the name she went by) died 27 Apr 1947 in Salmon Arm British Columbia and was buried at Swift Current Saskatchewan with her third husband, Bert BAILEY. Although Anne is the normal French spelling, her brother Nicholas referes to her as 'Anna' throughout the Estate papers of Wm. STULL .
Please help me with the SHOOK family. SHOOK, MILLS, PATTERSON, HOUSE, KLINE, were in Canada, Ontario NY state, OH, and Great Lakes shipping industries, who is Capt. Alvin PATTERSON who married a SHOOK - both buried by my ancestors at Erie County Cemeteries. I know we had SHOOK cousins in Ohio and MI in 1800's don't know their names. Please help me get my branch back on the SHOOK tree, Thank you!
My ancestor, Lake Capt. James SHOOK b. abt 1808 d. after 1860 and m. in 1842 to Clarrissa "Ann" HOUSE d. abt 1885 at Huron, Erie, OH, together had 3 children, 1. Mary E. (Eliza) SHOOK m. WRIGHT at Huron, Erie, OH; 2. Jeanette "Nettie" Janet SHOOK never married d. at Huron, Erie, OH; 3. Hiram Authur SHOOK m. Charlotte PIERCE together had 1 child, Della SHOOK m. HOYT. Any info appreciated!
Interested in Leah and Otto HOFFMAN, Susan Catherine and George W. EMRICK, and Mary NISWONGER (also used the name FASIG and HOFFMAN), who was born April 1899.
Looking for anyone who has information on these Darke Co. HOOVERs. They came from Baltimore, MD, and Lancaster and York Counties in PA. This a family that I am working on now: John C. HOOVER whose wife was Mary Elizebeth LAMBERT. Their children were David M. HOOVER James Henry HOOVER William C. HOOVER Rachel Jane HOOVER Nora D. HOOVER Maggie HOOVER
Would like to find some relatives who are living today and will trade info to anyone who would like my info.
I am researching the following family from Darke Co.OH:
John WOODS b 3-20-1790 PA d 4-5-1861 Darke Co.; his wife, Jane (?) b 6-29-1783 PA d 4-3-1868 Darke Co., OH. Their children:
James J. b 3-29-1817 PA d 4-2-1877 Monona Co, IA, m Cyrena A. TUTTLE 11-14-1839 Darke Co., OH Nancy b abt 1818 PA d unk m Louden ARNOLD b 1817 PA Sarah b unk d unk m Mr. LAY Jane Eliza b unk d unk m Ira MARTIN Mary Ann b 3-7-1820 PA d unk m Amos WICKERSHAM Salina b 10-20-1822 OH d 6-28-1906 Darke Co., OH
I am researching the following family from Darke Co, OH: James J. WOODS b 3-29-1817 PA d 4-2-1877 IA. His parents were John & Jane WOODS. His wife was: Cyrena A. TUTTLE b 11-22-1817 OH d 10-11-1909 OK. Her parents were Solomon & Sarah (LOWE) TUTTLE. Their children were:
Sarah Jane b 9-15-1840 OH D 8-10-1902 IA m Jacob NIESWANGER John S. b abt 1843 OH d 10-25-1898 IA m lst Lidia DAVIS m 2nd Sarah Jane DAVIS Loudin A. b abt 1845 d bef 1-23-1877 Mary Ann b 10-1847 OH d unk m Orlando MUCKEY Harvey Benjamin b 10-1-1847 OH d 5-28-1852 OH Martha S. b 10-1848 OH d unk m David H. McKOWAN Lucy Alice b abt 1857 d unk m William T. JEFFRYES William D. b 6-30-1859 IL d 6-3-1923 OK m Alcinda T. SMITH
Any information on this family would be appreicated. Thanks for your help.
I am looking for information on the following family:
George ARNOLD b abt 1790 PA d 9-22-1856 Darke Co, OH. His wife, Jane (?) b abt 1785 PA d unk. Their children were:
Louden b abt 1817 PA d 10-24-1875 Darke Co., OH, m Nancy WOODS b abt 1818 PA Samuel F. b abt 1825 PA d 1895 Darke Co., OH George b 12-5-1826 PA d 11-14-1847 Darke Co., OH Ann b abt 1832 PA d unk
George ARNOLD served in the WAR of 1812 from PA. Please let me know if anyone has information on this family group. Thanks for your help.
I am researching the following family from Darke Co., OH:
Louden ARNOLD b abt 1817 PA d 10-24-1875 Darke Co, OH his wife, Nancy WOODS b abt 1818 PA d unk her parents were John & Jane WOODS. Louden & Nancy ARNOLD's children were:
Jane b abt 1841 OH d unk Seline A. b abt 1843 OH d unk Samuel b 11-27-1845 OH d 9-26-1846 OH John b abt 1846 OH d unk Julia b 4-12-1847 OH d 12-28-1862 OH James b 1-6-1850 OH d 3-9-1850 OH Della b 12-15-1858 OH d 10-13-1860 OH
Any information on this family would be appreicated. Thanks for your help.
I am looking for the father of Samuel LONGENECKER and Anna (SHANK) LONGENECKER. He is reported to be Daniel LONGENECKER of Londonderry Twp., Dauphin Co., PA, but I can find no records: cemetery, church, etc. Samuel and Anna moved to Darke County, OH, from Montgomery Co., OH, in 1841. Prior to that they lived in Warren County, OH, between 1821 and 1827. Samuel was born April 5, 1789, in Londonderry Twp., Dauphin Co., PA. and Anna was born November 19, 1790, in the same Twp. He died September 14, 1852, and she died December 5, 1847. They were married October 2, 1810, in Dauphin County by Ludwig Hubener of the Hebron Moravian Church (no record), and had 10 children, most of whom live in Darke, Miami and Montgomery counties. Any leads as to the identity of Daniel LONGENECKER and his wife would be appreciated. A clipping in the Greenville Township under John Longenecker (page 509) says he came from Germany, but this seems unlikely.
Am looking for information on SHERWOOD and/or SHARP. Both names appear in 1850 Greenville Twp. census. My ancestors are Abner/Isaac/Ellanan SHERWOOD, born in 1796 and married to Darcus/Dorcas SHARP, born approx. 1803. They moved to Illinois, Fulton County. Possibly these names in census could be relatives of my ancestors. Any info appreciated.
Randolph D. CUSHEN, 1867-1934. Said he was a runaway orphan from VA. Married Bertha PHILLIPS 1874-1939. Both died near Ithaca and buried in cemetery just north of Ithaca. Would like to know anything about either of them.
Am interested in any information on a Jane LINTON who owned property in Washington Twp. in 1820, in German Twp. (Liberty) in 1830 and in Greenville Twp. in 1850. Are there death records available for Darke County.
John Calvin GOODALL, b. Jan. 23, 1849 in Versailles, Darke Co., OH. Only info I have is that his father (name unknown) was born in England. John Calvin GOODALL married Laurinda CHRISTY Jan. 12, 1871 in Keokuk Co., IA. They moved on to Nebraska and then to Payne Co., OK until his death in Feb. 1931. Searching for any info on siblings or parents of John Calvin GOODALL.
Need death date for Clara E ACKERMAN, bd 3-18-1876 who was born in Greenville, Darke Co., OH, and married Haryey DENLINGER, bd 4-30-1872 who was born in Dayton, Montgomery Co., OH. I believe they were married in Darke Co. and might have lived in Darke Co. Does anyone have death dates for both or death locations.
My g grandfather Henry HALDERMAN died in Wabash Co., IN, in 1900. His obit says he has a brother surviving in Greenville, OH, but gives no name. Henry's death cert. says he was born in OH also. Henry's father was John HALDERMAN; mother was Hanna COOK. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
I am interested in surnames CASSEL / CASSELL and MATTHIEU from Darke County, Ohio. Darke County is just a guess, but I find that both surnames do occur in Darke County records. My subject(s) are Harvey Brian CASSEL and Barbara Leona MATTHIEU. They had a daughter, Barbara Lee CASSELL, who allegedly was born in Camp Perry, Ottawa County, Ohio. This allegation, however, seems not to be true. Barbara Lee CASSELL died in Denver, Co., under the name of Barbara Lee SHONAUER. She may have been previously married to a Mr. TYLER, but this has not been confirmed. Any clue would be most helpful.
Bessie Chloe FOSTER - Death certificate states born in Darke County to Charles O. FOSTER and Minnie HOOD, dob 11/30/1893. Looking to confirm county of birth so I can order a copy of birth certificate. Also, will try to narrow search for county of marriage to Aaron COFFMAN.
Looking for information on Harison MYERS who married Driscilla (Druzilla) CRICKBAUM. I have reason to believe that they came to Darke Co., OH, by way of Pennsylvania. They both died in Kansas.
Homer Nicholas YORK, Joseph Leo YORK, Nicholas Allan YORK, Joseph Slade YORK, Nicholas Slade YORK, Newberry YORK, William YORK & Lydia BUSSON or BUSSIAN (BURSON).
I have all their children and grandchildren & great.... I am Homer's wife. I have been working on this for a long time.