Darke County, Ohio, Genealogy

Queries for May 1999


BAKER, ROBERTS posted by Brenda Kerr on Saturday, May 1, 1999

I am researching the BAKER family in Darke Co. Ohio. My grandfather George Harrison BAKER was born in Harrison Twp in 1878. His parents are Thomas BAKER and Sarah Catherine McCLURE. Sarah's parents are Samuel McCLURE and Rebecca ROBERTS.

PICKERING posted by Kurt Pickering on Sunday, May 2, 1999

There is a Martin PICKERING heading a household in Twin Township of Darke County in 1850. I'd like to pursue him as a possible father of my mysterious great-great grandfather Joseph F. PICKERING, but my access to Ohio censuses is very limited down here in Tennessee. Supporting evidence would be that Martin, or his father, was born in Virginia - or that Martin has a son named Joseph. Any help appreciated!

DEAL, FRY posted by Barbara Majid on Thursday, May 6, 1999

David FRY married Christina DEAL 1838 Miami Co OH son John D.C. FRY born Darke Co OH in 1844. Moved to Champaign Co. IL by 1880. Searching for siblings.

AIKENS, WEAVER posted by Dave Philips on Thursday, May 6, 1999

Seek information on Peter WEAVER, Jr. and Elizabeth AIKENS who were married in Darke Co. in 1824

GARNER, LARGE posted by Donna Radcliff on Friday, May 7, 1999

I am seeking information on Nathanial LARGE who married Mary GARNER in Darke Co., OH in 1830. Any information on this family would be greatly appreciated.

COMLEY, ENGLISHPERGER, HARRINGTON, VAN SCOYK, WHITE posted by Lorraine Lafler on Monday, May 10, 1999

Calvin WHITE married Elizabeth VAN_SCOYK at Ansonia Darke Co., OH 18 Nov 1867. Interested in more information about Calvin WHITE's father Oren (Alfred?) WHITE and he married Sarah COMLEY. Oren WHITE settled in a Welsh colony in Ohio, possilby Franklin County in the 1820/30 time frame.


CROOK, KOOGLER posted by Dave Mathews on Monday, May 10, 1999

Seeking information on Adam KOOGLER, a physician in Darke Co., Ohio. He was born about 1817 in Ohio and married Elizabeth CROOK in Montgomery Co., Ohio, 10 Jan 1839.

BLUNT, PUTNAM posted by Kennneth Wood on Saturday, May 15, 1999

James Gilpatrick BLUNT lived New Madison after graduating Starling Med College, Columbus. Practiced Med in New Madison 1849-1856, married Nancy Carson PUTNAM. Looking for info on Nancy and any children.

GILLPATRICK posted by Kenneth Wood on Saturday, May 15, 1999

Rufus GILLPATRICK, a doctor. Need info on family. He was from Maine.

BELL, KING posted by Elizabeth Carey on Saturday, May 15, 1999

I am interested in any information on the KING or BELL families of Greenville, Ohio. I believe my grandfather's name was Rupert KING, and my grandmother may have been Agnes Irene BELL. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you..

BLOCHER, BOLLINGER, ROBERTS posted by Kim Ferbrache on Sunday, May 16, 1999

Looking for information on family members from the parentage of Isaac BOLLINGER (dob 9-12-1787) and Anna BLOCHER (dob 3-8-1791), Joseph BLOCHER (dob 2-2-1777) and (Mary) Elizabeth ROBERTS (dob 11-22-1784), and Daniel BLOCHER (dob 6-23-1819) and Catherine BOLLINGER (dob 1-11-1822). These are my cousins and grandparents (due to some marrying between them on both my father's and mother's side, they are both - turns out my dad and mom are both 4th and 5th cousins!) they all eventually lived in Darke Co., OH and had children.

WINEBRINNER posted by John Valenzuela on Tuesday, May 18, 1999

I am looking for Victoria WINEBRINNER and all her relatives.

BLANKENSHIP, HAWORTH, REED posted by Angela Johnson on Thursday, May 20, 1999

Can anyone verify if the George and Elizabeth REED of Darke County are the parents of the Susannah REED who married Richard HAWORTH on 24 Dec. 1865 in Sandyville, Warren Co., Iowa, and the William M. REED who married Sarah Jane BLANKENSHIP on 14 Sep 1865 in Sandyville, Iowa? Both this Susannah and William were born in Darke County in 1844 and 1843, respectively. Both are supposed to have a father named George REED.

STILLWELL posted by Forrest Ladd on Friday, May 21, 1999

I seek info on the parents of Daniel STILLWELL, who died in Greenville, Darke Co., on 14 November 1852. He is buried in Crickbaum Cemetery. I am looking for obituaries, etc., that might indicate who his parents were.

BAKER, MCCLURE, ROBERTS, TODD, WESLEY posted by Brenda Kerr on Monday, May 24, 1999

i listed a query ealier this month and our e-mail address has changed so I am updating my query. I am looking for Thomas J. BAKER. I found him on the 1870 - 1920 census in Darke Co. He was first married to Margaret Ann TODD then to Sarah Catherine MCCLURE. Thomas' parents are Thomas and Elizabeth Anne WESLEY. In 1850 they were in Preble Co. Sarah's parents are Samuel and Rebecca ROBERTS. Sarah's family is also listed in the 1870 census in Darke Co. Any information on this family or someone who can put me in the right direction to find information would greatly be appreciated. Please keep in mind I am not in the area.

BOSSERMAN posted by Kay Pereira on Tuesday, May 25, 1999

Elijah BOSSERMAN 1829

GANGER, RAFF posted by Terry Kneen on Tuesday, May 25, 1999

I am looking for information about Sarah GANGER born around 1813 in Ohio and married Christian RAFF in Darke Co, Ohio around 1841. They had one daughter that I know of, Elizabeth RAFF born about 1845. Elizabeth RAFF married Ulrich Sommers after the Civil War in Johnson County, Iowa.

HANN, HOLE posted by B. Hotmire on Wednesday, May 26, 1999

Researching Rhonda Christina HOLE born 27Feb1843 Darke Co. Ohio. Married George McKune HANN 03Aug1862 in Mercer Co. Ohio.

HARLESS posted by Jack M Harless on Wednesday, May 26, 1999

John Avery HARLESS

GIBSON, SUPINGER posted by Diana Benson on Wednesday, May 26, 1999

John N. SUPINGER married to Rachel GIBSON on July 25, 1886 in Darke County. Ohio. They were the parents of Sarah A. and my grandfather Sherman Alva SUPINGER who was born on Feb. 26, 1891 in Darke County OH. I have not been able to locate records indicating who John N. SUPINGER's parents or grandparents are. I know from family discussions that John N. SUPINGER is a direct descendant of Hans Conrad Zuppinger of Switzerland who came to Philadephia PA on the "Mercury" in 1795. and his Son, Hans Ulrich SUPINGER, who also came at same time on same ship. Hans Ulrich then settled in Shenandoah County, VA, and his descendenat, Abraham SUPINGER then settled in Darke County OH. circa 1789. Any help I can get in completing this link in my father's linage would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to any that can help.

OVERHOLSER posted by Debbie Mohler on Friday, May 28, 1999

My Grandmother was born in Darke County, Ohio 23 September 1904 - Goldie Mae OVERHOLSER. Are you related to or have information. Would love to correspond.

HAMILTON, MCKEON, WEAVER posted by Jon E. Traud on Friday, May 28, 1999

Seeking information on the following surnames for Darke County: MCKEON, HAMILTON, and WEAVER.

REED posted by Stephen Reed on Monday, May 31, 1999

Donovan REED

PEARCE posted by Jeff Pearce on Monday, May 31, 1999

Curtis Floyd PEARCE
John Wesley PEARCE

Butler Township, New Madison

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