Darke County, Ohio, Genealogy

Queries for June 1999


REDENBAUGH, REDINBO posted by Peggy Redinbo Clark on Tuesday, June 1, 1999

Looking for information on Adam REDENBAUGH/REDINBO, who was on the Darke Tax Roll for 1820/1.

DAVIS, VOISARD posted by Kathy Davis on Friday, June 4, 1999

Am looking for information on Elizabeth VOISARD born 1876 Vesailles, OH. She married James Patrick DAVIS and had two children, Cyril DAVIS and Mildred DAVIS. Elizabeth died December 8, 1906 and was buried in either Newport or Versailles, OH. Thanking in advance for any help.

EAKER, HARDY posted by Rich Coleman on Saturday, June 5, 1999

Looking for information on the ancestors of George HARDY. He was born in Darke County, Ohio in 1816. He had between 7 and 9 brothers and sisters. His father, Henry George Washington HARDY, was born in Maryland in 1777. George's mother, Elizabeth EAKER, was born in Pennsylvania in 1785. Henry and Elizabeth both died in Lakeville, Indiana. Any info is welcome and I will share what I have. Thank-you

BONEM, GROSS, MCMANUS posted by Paula Gross Zduncyk on Monday, June 7, 1999

I am attempting to find my grandparents' roots. They are Thomas GROSS (criminal record 1889) and Rebecca MCMANUS Gross BONEM. They were counted in Monroe Twp in 1850 Census.

BRINEY, SCHENCK posted by Shirley O'Brien on Monday, June 7, 1999

I am researching the BRINEY family, who lived in Darke in the late 1700's. I have John D born there (8Oct1798) to Daniel and Catherine Weitzel Briney. John married Jane SCHENCK of Warren Co on 20 Oct 1820. Anything look familiar to anyone?

REED posted by Nila Morris on Monday, June 7, 1999

Researching father of Donovan Reed, b1779 in Del, d1850 in Darke Co. Ohio and William M. REED b1781 Greenville, Darke Co. Ohio. Believe father's name was James REED, born in Delaware, maybe a traveling Methodist preacher. Need more information on Donovan REED.

DELO, EVANS, HOWARD posted by Kacy Clayton on Tuesday, June 8, 1999

Looking for info on John Henry EVANS, b. Apr 1, 1873 Ruben F. DELO aka R.F. DELO and Woodford HOWARD.

BROWN, CANTWELL, GAVIN, HICKEY posted by Martha Bailey on Tuesday, June 8, 1999

Patrick BROWN, Mary CANTWELL, his wife. He came from Co. Cork before 1866 & settled in Union City, Ohio. Edward GAVIN, from Co. Mayo in 1858, wife Martha HICKEY, his dob: 9-20-1839, dod: 3-14-1910. Her dob: 1855, dod: 5-28-1879. Both buries St. Mary's Cemetery, Greenville, Ohio. Seeking names of parents & birthplace of all four of their parents. They are my ggparts. Grandparents: John BROWN 8-11-1866-9-3-1942, born Union City, Ohio; died Arcanum, Ohio. Mary Gavin BROWN, 3-26-1870 - 7-30-1949, born & died Arcanum, Ohio.

BIGHAM, BRADFORD posted by Dawn R. (Bigham) Hathaway on Tuesday, June 8, 1999

BIGHAM, BRADFORD Looking for Zelpha "Fern" (BIGHAM) BRADFORD'S children or grandchildren. I will call Zelpha "Fern" because that is what she went by. Fern was born March 5, 1900 in Allen Twp., Darke Co., Ohio, and died in Grand Rapids, Mich. Feb. 13, 1924. She had a daughter and a son and I would like to hear from them or the grandchildren. She was buried in Greenville, Ohio next to her brother and Mother. Thank you.

HUGHES, WOODS posted by Vera Moody on Tuesday, June 8, 1999

Want parents of Isaac F WOODS
spouse: Elizabeth A. HUGHES
Married 1840 Darke County, Ohio
child: Elizabeth Caroline WOODS born 1843 Darke County

CREVISTON, LIGIER, PIERRON, TAYLOR, WARD, WILKSON posted by Richard C. Ward on Wednesday, June 9, 1999

Children of David WARD/Elizabeth TAYLOR were born in Versailles and Wayne Twp, Darke County, OH. Interest in WILKSON, CREVISTON, LIGIER, PIERRON. Have book on Ward family going back to Old Virginia (W. Virginia).

BENNETT, KNABB posted by Darci Stephan on Thursday, June 10, 1999

I am looking for Info on Mary KNABB. Born in Palestine, Oh. She marrried John BENNETT and had at least one child in 1855. Any info would be appreciated.

BOYER, SETTY posted by Marilyn --?-- on Friday, June 11, 1999

I'm looking for Joshua BOYER married to Ellen (don't know last name): parents of my grandparents. My grandparents are Solomon C. BOYER and Jennie SETTY (don't know Jennie's parents either but would like to). Jennie whole name might be Lucretia Jane but don't know this for sure. Solomon was born in Winchester, IN. Jennie in Ohio. Family from around Darke Co. or so I have been told.

OGLE, RECK, SPEARS posted by Lisa Mitchell on Sunday, June 13, 1999

Searching for Samuel E. OGLE and Savilla RECK, married 1846 Carroll Co, MD. Living in Darke County, OH in 1860. Children: John P, Eugene H, Albert A, George W, Catherine, Samuel C, William A, and Franklin. Cannot locate family in 1870. In 1880, a widowed Samuel is living in Saline County, Arkansas, with daughter, Catherine SPEARS. William A. OGLE ended up in TX; Franklin stayed in AR. What happened to the rest of the children? Interested in any info on ancestors or descendents.

BONER, HUBLER, MCKINNEY posted by Teresa Bernard on Tuesday, June 15, 1999

Ralph HUBLER - b. 1898, Preble Co, OH; d. 1963, Darke Co, OH. His parents were Sylvester Francis HUBLER and Harriet "Etta" BONER. Ralph married Maud MCKINNEY in 1918 and they had 15 children, but only raised 12. Three children died either at birth or very early age. Any information on this family is greatly appreciated! Thank you, in advance.

ANKNEY, BRANDON, HOLE, SHIVERDECKER posted by Leslie Finster on Wednesday, June 16, 1999

James HOLE (War of 1812) married Mary (Polly) BRANDON in Warren Co. Their daughter, Lyia Ellen married 1-Samuel ANKNEY, he came from Westmoreland Co., PA, married Lydia, died in the Civil War. Information is scarse. The SHIVERDECKER family resided around North Star and Brock (York Twp). Sarah SHIVERDECKER married James ANKNEY, son of Samuel & Lydia.

APPLE, KEISER, MCGREEVEY, MCGREEVY, RODEEHEFFER posted by NoName --?-- on Sunday, June 20, 1999

Cornelilus MCGREEVY / MCGREEVEY (1841-1922), married Lydia KEISER (about 1855), daughter of David KEISER (1828-1864) and Mary RODEEHEFFER (1832-1917), daughter of Margaret APPLE (1809- ) and Samuel RODEEHEFFER.

GROTE, TILLMAN posted by Kay Tillman on Monday, June 21, 1999

We have been looking for the Caroline GROTE relation. The background is as follows: Daniel Arthur TILLMAN's wife was Caroline GROTE, born Feb. 26, 1889 and died June 13, 1979. Daniel Arthur TILLMAN was a horse trainer in Darke County. The had 4 children, Lynn Eugene, Lenore Evangeline, Anderson Arthur, and Daniel Dean (my husband Gary Dean TILLMAN's father). I am looking for information on Caroline GROTE.

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