Darke County, Ohio, Genealogy

Queries for September 1999


CHENOWETH, FOSTER, HANN, KELLEY, MILLER, WHITE posted by Dale Miller Payne on Wednesday, September 1, 1999

Seeking info on Capt James M. WHITE (born March 11, 1828 in Patterson, Passiac, NJ) married on August 25, 1856 in Pike Co. to Rachel Ann CHENOWETH (born March 01, 1832 in Washington Twnshp, Darke Co.). She's the daug of John C. CHENOWETH & Elizabeth FOSTER.

James, Rachel & some children moved to Darke Co. in 1872 moving onto Nodaway Co., MO, by the 1890 Special Civil War Veterans Census. They had 8 children with 5 surviving to 1880 as follows: Mary (b 1859, married Thomas KELLEY in OH), Jennie (b 1861, never married), Anna (b 1868, married Samuel Isaac MILLER in MO), Elizabeth (b 1872, married Charles HANN in MO) & Thomas (b 1876, ? married). Mary & Thomas KELLEY may -not- have moved onto MO, but remained in OH.

James is mentioned in the Beers "History of Darke Co" Book on pg 757, but would like to know more about his family's time in & around Darke Co. Who is the KELLEY family that Mary married into? Plenty is known of the CHENOWETH & FOSTER families, but what became of James' parents, Michael & Catherine WHITE? Did James have siblings? All help is greatly appreciated.

COBLE posted by Grant Coble on Thursday, September 2, 1999

John COBLE of Darke County, Ohio. I am looking for who his father and mother were, siblings, and their history. John migrated to Dowagaic, Michigan some time in the mid 1800's. Any info will be great.

HUNTER, SHULTZ posted by Felicia Crouch on Friday, September 3, 1999

Looking for information on SHULTZ family(ies). Believe that Albert SHULTZ's family may have been from the Darke Co. area. Possibly born around 1874. Possibly father's name was George Washington SHULTZ . and mothers name was possible Sarah Maria HUNTER. Any information would be wonderful. Thanks so much.

BYRNE, GORDON, SINK posted by Barbara Ellis on Friday, September 3, 1999

I am seeking information on my husband's Gr. Grand Parents. John ? SINK and Gertrude ? GORDON from Ohio. They had 1 daughter that I know of. She was Cleo Odel SINK. Born April 21, 1901 in Ansonia, Ohio. She married John S. BYRNE in Darke Co., Ohio. They moved to Cement City, Michigan. Any information on John & Gertrude would be a great help. So please Helllllllllp us. Thank you very much.

ELLIS, MAHAFFEY posted by Barbara Ellis on Monday, September 6, 1999

I am seeking information on Anna Ethel MAHAFFEY and George Andrew ELLIS. Anna b.abt. 1902 d.1968 and George b.abt.1896 d.1940. They where married in Ohio about 1920 to 1922 and moved to Cement City, Mich. So George could work in the cement plant. Any help on this would be of great help. Thank you very much.

BURROWES, YOUNG posted by Pam Saba on Wednesday, September 8, 1999

Eden BURROWES and Martha Ellen YOUNG were married in Darke County on 2 Oct 1875. Any information on the couple, their marriage, parents or children would be appreciated. Thanks Pam

BOYER, FAKE, HOLDEMAN, HOLDERMAN, RICE, RIEGEL, SHAW, SUMMERVILLE posted by Gloria Motter on Thursday, September 9, 1999

FAKE, BOYER, HOLDEMAN, HOLDERMAN. Searching for unknown RICE who married a daughter of Joseph HOLDEMAN & Miriah SUMMERVILLE, RIEGEL, SUMMERVILLE, SHAW

ELLIS, MAHAFFEY posted by Dick Ellis on Saturday, September 11, 1999

I am seeking information on my Grandparents George Andrew ELLIS b.abt.1896 d.1940 and Ethel Anna or Anna Ethel MAHAFFEY b.abt.1902 d.1968. They were married in Ohio and moved to Cement City, Mich. around 1920. they had 6 children. The oldest one John may have been born in Ohio. The other 5 were Mart,Wilbur,Ellen,Kate,and Bernice. I beleive they were all borne in Michigan. Any help on this family would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Dick Ellis

GOUBEAU posted by Jean Christophe Goubeau on Saturday, September 11, 1999

My name is Jean Christophe GOUBEAU. I am French. I have noticed that most of the GOUBEAU living in USA are located in Ohio State. I would like to have a contact with one person named GOUBEAU in order to investigate about origins of GOUBEAU in USA..

BAYMAN, HOLE posted by Jodie Shumaker on Sunday, September 12, 1999

Searching for info on parents of Lova BAYMAN (1894-1915 aged exactly 21 yrs at death). Her parents were James and Edith BAYMAN. I am pretty sure they were from Darke Co., OH. I know that Lova's husband Alonzo Earl HOLE died in Versailles. Lova and Earl had 2 daughters, Mary and Anna. Thanks!

CLARK, DUNN, WAGONER posted by Tom Cook on Monday, September 13, 1999

Seeking info. on the ancestors of Thomas DUNN (born circa 1814 Darke Co., OH) married to Susan WAGONER, resided in Neave Township. Moved to Illinois early 1850's then to Henry Co., Missouri in 1860's. Second wife's name was Margaret CLARK.

ADAMY, BAIRD, DIXON, DOWNING, GULLET, PEACOCK, POLLY, WILLIAMS posted by Sara Peacock on Monday, September 13, 1999

Looking for info on Samuel DOWNING b. 1805 and Elizabeth BAIRD b 1803..Need more info on their children, some were born in Darke County, Ohio. Children: 1. John DOWNING b 1830 m. Sarah GULLET 2.Sarah Jane DOWNING b. 1831 m. Josiah WILLIAMS 3. Jane DOWNING b1833 d1833 3. Margaret Caroline DOWNING b. 1834 m. John Joy PEACOCK 4. Rebecca Leona DOWNING b. 1836 married Enos POLLY 5. James Leander DOWNING b 1839 m. Sarah E. DIXON 6. Thomas Hurst DOWNING b 1840 d. Civil War 7. Jason Jackson DOWNING b 1843 m. Harriet POLLY 8. Samuel Walker DOWNING b 1847 m. Elizabeth ADAMY 9. Catherine Elizabeth DOWNING b 1849 m. Benjamin Calvin PEACOCK. Do any of these ring a bell. Let me know.

CRAWFORD, WEBB posted by Mike Webb on Monday, September 13, 1999

CRAWFORD and WEBB Surnames Looking for any information on Jonathan CRAWFORD of Darke County. He is my Great-Great Grandfather

CRAWFORD, WEBB posted by Mike Webb on Monday, September 13, 1999

Looking for direction to Spring Hill Cemetery

DRINKWATER posted by Leroy Anderson on Tuesday, September 14, 1999

Interested in Henry DRINKWATER and his descendants. Henry was believed to be in Darke County circa 1815.

CLARK, CLARKE, TEAGARDEN posted by Cherie R. Olson on Tuesday, September 14, 1999

John Price TEAGARDEN 1814-1886 m (4 Mar 1884) Mary Ann CLARK/CLARKE 1823-1886 Looking for parents. They were botn born in OH.

KNOLL posted by Dorris Lagow on Wednesday, September 15, 1999

Jacob KNOLL was found in the 1880 census of Darke Co. My Jacob KNOLL was in the 1830 census of Preble Co. Can anyone tell me if there is a connection. I would appreciate any information on the KNOLL family.

HOOPENGARNER, JACKSON posted by Sharon B. Lodge on Thursday, September 16, 1999

Jonah JACKSON moved from Brushcreek Tp., Bedford Co., PA. before 1860 and settled in Patterson Tp., Darke Co., Ohio. He married Eva A. HOOPENGARNER in PA. There were several children and Jonah was born Feb. 2, 1814 in PA. and died May 6, 1886 in Darke Co. He is buried in the Versailles Cemetery. Any information about this family would be greatly appreciated. His father was Samuel JACKSON who lived in Bedford Co., PA.

ARNOLD, MILLER, SWANK posted by Scott Oakley on Friday, September 17, 1999

Trying to find info on Maud or Maudie SWANK. Born @ 1896, died Feb 9 1922. Married to Elroy MILLER. Her Father's name was C.S. SWANK. Her mother's name was Emma ARNOLD. Buried in Potsdam, Ohio, in Darke County may have lived in Union, Ohio.

DENNISTON, REED, STEWART posted by Barb Stowe on Saturday, September 18, 1999

I am searching for William G. DENNISTON and family. William G. and wife Jane C. STEWART and family may have lived in Darke County, Ohio, moving there from PA. William and Jane had 8 chidlren: Sarah 1830-1831; Andrew 1831-?: John C.1833-?; Martha R. 1835-1914; James 1837-?; Thomas G. 1839-1917; William J. 1841-1853; & Mary Amelia 1845-?. William & Jane were married 12-25-1828. William was born 1809 died 8-18-1851. Jane was born 1813 and died 9-29-1863. Two of heir son's Thomas G. & Andrew G. married two sisters Amanda & Susanna REED also from PA. I would greatly appreciate and information on this family.

BAYMAN, ELLINGSWORTH posted by Jodie Shumaker on Saturday, September 18, 1999

Searching for the parents of Edith Mae ELLINGSWORTH. She marr. James Sylvester BAYMAN on 1/8/1893 in Darke Co OH.

CRAWFORD posted by Mike Webb on Monday, September 20, 1999

Looking for any relatives of Jonathan W. CRAWFORD and Phillip S. CRAWFORD these are my Great Grandfater and my Great-Great grandfather Looking for ther family members

NUTT, RANDOLPH posted by Barb Martin on Sunday, September 26, 1999

Any information on the NUTT Family, I have John E. NUTT and Elizabeth (RANDOLPH) married with 1 daughter that I know of and that is Polly.

MILLER, STUDABAKER posted by Warren Mc Bride on Thursday, September 30, 1999

James MILLER b. 1825 youngest of 16 children of Abraham & Christena STUDABAKER MILLER. Born in Darke Co., left there 1852. W here did he finally settle, where is he buried, who was his family?

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