Wirt JENKINS married Rececca ROSE from Darke County in 1883. He was marshall in Castine, OH, for 36 years. All listed descendents are deceased. Looking for children of Lillian SILER or Eva HATHAWAY. Grandsons: Edward & Max, Galen EMRICK shown deceased. Wirt would have been my great-great uncle.
Ezekiel ROSE and Elizabeth. In Burkettsville, OH on May 18, 1865 when daughter, Rebecca was born. Rebecca from family of 12 plus 7 half brothers & sisters. Jacob ROSE, Charles ROSE and Hester HOUDESELL mentioned in obituary for Rebecca (ROSE) and Wirt JENKINS who both resided in Ft. Recovery and later Castine, OH for over 36 years& died in 1946. Looking for sibling info for above and distant cousins.
Looking for SHERMER surname out of Dayton, Ohio and back to Philadelphia, PA Specifically looking for William SHERMER Prior to 1876 with wife possibly named Jane. William might have come out of New York. William had son named Eden H. SHERMER.
Searching for any information on the RICHARDS family in Harrison Township, Darke Co, Ohio. Cornelius RICHARDS in the 1850 census may be my GGgrandfather. Son Charles Richards moved to Iowa in the 1860s with his wife, E. Jane BEATTY. Also seeking information on the Thomas BEATTY family Neave Township, Darke Co, and the Jacob BEATTY family in Greenville Township. Thanks.
Luffiah (spelling?) MIKESELL, alive in Darke Co., OH in 1837, father of Elizabeth MIKESELL who was b. 1792 or 1793 in PA, marr. to John W. WARNER, a German, bef. 1818 in PA. She was "coverted to the Lord" in 1837 in Darke Co., OH, with certificate signed by father. Attempting to locate information on MIKESELL, WARNER, GIVENS / GIVANS all of Darke Co., OH; some then emigrating to IA. Thanks you so much for any help,
Sophia Western GOTT. born: unknown; died: before 1869. Married John VAN_SCOYK. All of her children were born in Darke Co. I am interested to know if she was born, or married, there too.
My Grandfather, Louis GOLDITZ was born in 1820 in Germany. He married Barbara Elizabeth KOCH. He died in 1900 at the National Military Hospital. His residence was listed as West Baltimore, Ohio. Is that located in Darke County? I have searched the map and can not locate it. Also is the hospital the same as the Veterans Hospital in Dayton, Ohio. I would appreciate any information regarding this surname as well.
Need information on Enos T. WESTFALL, b. 1818 in Darke County, OH. He married Elizabeth GRENARD in Montgomery County, IN. It is thought that he had a brother named George b. 1820 in Darke County, OH. Some information states that Job(e) WESTFALL and Elizabeth TERRY WESTFALL were their parents?
Need info on any BALDSCHUNs living in Darke Co., Ohio. Trying to connect them with the Kansas/Missouri BALDSCHUNs. Frank & Louisa BALDSCHUN lived in Darke Co. in 1900's. Where there any more? Any help will be appreciated very much.
Looking for death information--they maybe buried in Snell Cemetery, Darke Co., Ohio. Anna LONGANECKER MINNICH may have died in 1882. No clue on Jacob MINNICH. I don't find Snell Cemetery on-line yet. If anyone can look it up, and e-mail me with information I'd be very gratefull. Thank You.
Could someone please help me locate where West Baltimore, Ohio, is at? My Grandparents (GOLDITZ) lived in this area in the 1800's and since they lived in Darke County I assume that it is some place there. I would appreciate any help. Thanks.
John O_DELL born ca 1819 North Carolina; died August 13, 1894 Miami County, Ohio (infirmary of consumption) married: November 5, 1837 Darke County, Ohio Rosannah ROBBINS born ca 1823 (possible d/o Richard & Rebecca Yount ROBBINS) Issues: Mary O'Dell b. ca 1838 or 1840 Richard O'Dell b. August 20, 1841 John Wesley O'Dell b. September 2, 1842 Elam O'Dell b. ca 1844 Elizabeth O'Dell b. ca 1847
What happened to Rosannah after John died? What happened to Mary and Elizabeth? Who were John's parents?
I have information on all of the above but need to follow-up different lines. Any information would be helpful and would respond if I have any to give. Having grown up in New Madison, I might be able to help someone else too. Drop me a line.
I'm looking for any information about Pearson SNYDER, who left Darke County for St. Clair County, MO, in the early 1850s after the death of his first wife, Susan HIDLEY. I believe he was a brother to John K. Snyder, who remained in Darke County and was married to Amy HIDLEY. Any leads appreciated.
Searching for my gggrandfather Joseph CAREY who was married in 1849 Geauga or Drake Co then also my ggrandfather Riley M CAREY who was listed in the 1880 census of Geauga Co. Need birth certificates and marriage certificates. Please point me in the right direction and any info you may have. Thank you so much God Bless, Pam Carey Rawski
Looking for info on Russel H. BROOKS B. Abt 1820 m. Abt 1850 Elizabeth MORRISON B. Abt 1825. Children were Angie B. Abt 1850; John Hamilton B.11-16-1852 and Molly B.3-5-1865. Russel went to get the neighbor woman for the birth of last child and was never heard from again. Thought that he was killed by Indians or fell in a stream and froze to death. Have relatives info from Ohio to Wisconsin to share with cousins.
I am looking for the parents of Dorcas BOYD who married Robert MARTIN 24 Apr 1828 in Greenville, Darke, Ohio. Also the parents of Mary WARD who married Ira MARTIN in Greenville, Darke, Ohio on 28 June 1849 they both were born and died in Greenville. I have a lot of information on the MARTIN line that I would gladly exchange with whoever.
Rebecca BORTNER married Samuel HAMILTON, they had several children in Darke Co around 1875 one of the children Minnie E. Hamilton born 1875, also a sister Mina Hamilton, Myrtle Hamilton, May Hamilton, Lydie Hamilton, George Hamilton, Jim Hamilton, Melvin Hamilton. I would like any information on any of the above people. Rebecca Bortner is my Great Great Great Grandmother.
My 4th great-grandfather, Elijiah SHOOK founded Darke County from a land grant he received from President Martin Van Buren (whose g-g-g-g neice married Rhoda C SHOOK's son, Earl Elijiah FAHNESTALK.) Elijiah SHOOK married Jane CAVENDER. Elijia's brother, Peter, married Jane's sister, Mary. BOYD: my 4th great-grandfather, Joseph, married to a full-blood Blackfoot called Catherine: their daughter Susan married Elijiah's son, Elijiah Jordan SHOOK. Elijiah Jordan's daughter, Rhoda Catherine, married my great-grandfather, Joseph Calvin FAHNESTOCK.
I am seeking descendants of William Wilson COONS / KOONS / KOONTZ and Elizabeth SCHOOLEY. William Wilson was born 9 Sept. 1806, m 20 Sept. 1826, d 6 Aug. 1886 and is buried in Ithaca Cem., Twin Twnp., Darke County, Ohio. Presumably she is buried there also.
There was a large family (families) of METZCARs in the Lightville area of Darke County. My Grandfather was born Louis N. METZCAR and moved to Lima, Ohio with his brother Hamilton. They went into the masonry and plastering business and had more customers when they changed their name to METZGER. I'm trying to trace the family and wonder if there are still METZGARs in the Lightville area. Thank you.
Would like to correspond with anyone regarding the following ancestors: David PRIDDY b 1810 OH d 1886 Jeff.Co., KS. married to Sarah CLAPPER and their children: John H., JACOB married to Susannah HOLLER, Elizabeth, William, Catherine, Barbara Ann, David, Sarah and Julia. Was David born in Darke Co., OH?
Samuel SALLEE 1st, who died 17 Dec. 1835 in Darke County, Ohio. I would like any information on his likely gravesite and/or death notice, etc. Any/all information on the occurence of the surname SALLEE or variants of the name in Darke County or other southwestern Ohio Counties appreciated.
VORIS, HOLE, YORK, BAYMAN, and lots more! Searching for info on Jennie VORIS b. ca. Aug 1869 Darke Co OH. She was married to Jeremiah HOLE on Feb 2, 1890 in Wayne Twp, Darke. Thank you very much!
I'm looking for any information on the ROHR, DITMER, LABIG family surname. Lavaun or Amanda ROHR married Walter DITMER in January 1929. Anna Mary Elizabeth LABIG married James Waler LABIG in 1897 in Darke County. Anyone with any info, please contact me.
Looking for anyone that is related to a Jonathan CRAWFORD and Mary Jane CRAWFORD in Darke County, OH. If you are related to these please let me contact me. these are my great Grand parents. Looking for obit of Mary Jane who died 28 June 1907 in Darke Co. Thank You
Looking for information on Henry CARRICK and his wife Eleanor (SHREVES) CARRICK. They had a son Elijah born May 10, 1810, Darke Co. There is a possibility of another child Cathrine CARRICK born between 1807-1813. Elijah moved to St Joseph Co. Indiana in 1832. He married Nancy IRELAND.They moved to Iowa in 1854.
I am looking for the parents or birth place of John D. DELANEY, my great grandfather. The information I have about him is as follows: birth: 7 Aug 1861 place unknown, married: Emma ALTHOFF, Feb 1886, death: 22 Nov 1939. The 1900 Census hs him living in Patterson Township, Darke County, Ohio with his wife Emma, and four children: Bessie L., Ida M.(my grandmother), Roy W., and Emma. The birthplaces of his mother and father were unknown.
Need to know ancesters of Alfred DEMANGE, born 08-03-1890,d.11-26-1965. Parents were Martin DEMANGE and Jennie MARSHALL. If you have any information it would be appreciated. It is believed that all these individuals were born, married, lived and died in Darke Co., Ohio.
Minnie KELLY she was possiblee buried in 1904, at Highland Cem. New Madison. She would be my Grat-Great Grandmother. my have had some sisters: Lottie,- Nellie- and Gracie. Married George HALEY
I'm looking for any information on Frederick & Elizabeth HALEY, Emma (Beverly) CHAMBERLAIN, Rebecca LITTLE, she married an A.F. LITTLE. Any info at all would help
Looking for information on Isaac D. MARTIN; B 15 Oct 1825 in Ohio; d 15 Nov 1888 in Salmonia, IN m Judith Ann [--?--] MARTIN; b 1 Mar 1826 in OH; 18 Dec 1874 - Salmonia, IN. These are my maternal great grand parents and may be descended from Smith MARTIN who moved to Darke County shortly after 1820 following the death of his mother Kissath [MARQUIS] MARTIN who was married to John MARTIN in Hardin Co., VA. Smith was born about 1808 and may have lived with Kid and James MARQUIS who settled close to Union City.