HARLESS, Patrick born c. 1811 who I believe married
DENNISTON, Catharine born c. 1819.
I am seeking information on the HARLESS and the DENNISTON families. "Denniston" may not be the correct spelling. I believe that Nancy Ann HARLESS born c. 1840-50 or Anna HARLESS born c.1840-50 (possibly the same person) is one of their children. I believe that Anna or Nancy Ann married Henry ZECK born c. 1830-50. Anna and Henry lived in Hetzlersville in Jackson Twp. They had nine children, one of whom was my grandfather, William Washington ZECK, born 1877.
In the same cemetery there is a William E SASSER buried there too, he was born 1873 and died 1929. If there is any other SASSER D/C on file in Darke County, Ohio. I would like copies for most likely they are related. I would like to know how much they are. I will reimburse for the copies if anyone gets them for me.
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