I am searching for names having to do with ENYEART (or various spellings), ELLIOTT, LABIG, DOUGLAS and MCDONALD all who had lived in Miami and Darke Co., OH from 1800's to present. Especially interested in any living members of Lillian or Della DOUGLAS, any information on (Eva) Pearl ENYEART, Bessie ENYEART LABIG, Jacob LABIG, Maggie (CONNER) ENYEART LABIG, and a Harvey LABIG or a Harvey ENYEART (who had died about 40 years ago)??? If any pictures or any information is floating out there, please please please get back to me! I am more than willing also to help with any information I have. Any Questions? feel free to ask.
Samuel W ANDERSON my great grandfather was enlisted in the 152nd Ohio National Guard Jackson Township Darke County July 1863. Would like more info concerning family. He was born Nov 1841 OH Died 1907 IN. Married Sarah HERTZOG.
Would anyone have any information on the descendants and/or antecedents of John N. (?Nicholas) LUDY, married 1842, in Darke/Paulding County? I am a gggranddaughter, seeking his parentage and records regarding when the family entered the county.
Looking for any information on Jacob BANKER (age 55, b. in Maryland) who was listed in 1850 Darke Cty (Twin Township) census, along with family Sarah Ann (36), Hannah (17), Amos (22), Delilah (17), Titus (18), John (14), Henry (13), and Elizabeth (11). Any info on him, etc., would be helpful. Most of the family is located in Butler Cty (Poastown). Came to Ohio from MD in 1803-04. Old order Baptist. Name also spelled BANKERT or BANKARD. Married and/or related to: LUCAS, LONG, SELBY, MILLS, BROWN, COONS, STULL, KEISTER, KERCHER. All these families came to Ohio from Penn and MD.
I am looking for any information on Issac ROBERTSON who was married to Harriett (Hetty) BROWN in 1830. Isaac, according to info I have, was a well known itinerant preacher in both Darke and Preble Counties during the mid 1800's.
When did Isaac DUNGAN migrate to Darke County? Was the Isaac DUNGAN in the 1850 census the one who married Hester (Esther) THOMAS in Butler County in 1818? Were Isaac DUNGAN's parents Samuel and Mary from Miami County?
I am looking for ALTHOFF families and SCHILLING families. John Christopher SCHILLING and wife Sophia Christina RETZE. Where were they born and when did they die? Daughter, Elizabeth SCHILLING married Frank Henry ALTHOFF on Dec. 11, 1879.
John Henry LOSER was born in Pennsylvania on 01/13/1831. He is listed in the 1850 Darke County Census as 18 yearss old. On 02/20/1855 he married Casinda WILT, who was born in Darke County in 1833-1834. These are my GGG Grandparents and are also the shortest link in my research. I am interested in any information about these people and there parents.
Would like information about Freelove WIGGINS born in 1816 in Kentucky. She married Silus MANES (MANUS) in Randolph County, IN, on May 22, 1836. Was wondering about where the family lived in Darke, County. They were originally from Kentucky. Also wondering if there is anyone with any documents or old pictures of either Freelove or her husband, Silus. They were my great-great grandparents. Any information will be appreciated.
I am looking for information on my gggrandfather, John C. BOYD who was born in Adams Twp.,Darke County, Ohio about 31 Jan 1857. I've been told his father's name is David and his mother was Susan CHRISTIAN.