Darke County, Ohio, Genealogy

Queries for January 2001


ALLISON, CRAWFORD, MACKE, MILLER, STUDEBAKER, VANCE, VON DER BECK posted by M. Lewis on Monday, January 1, 2001

In 1835 my gggrandparents, William and Sarah (MILLER) VANCE migrated from Darke County to Adams County, IN. Sarah's parents were David and Catherine (STUDEBAKER) MILLER. Any information would be appreciated. Other names on my family tree include ALLISON, CRAWFORD, MACKE and VON_DER_BECK.

HASTINGS, IRVINE posted by Kelly Parker on Friday, January 5, 2001

Looking for info on family of Oscar IRVINE, mid nineteenth century, died circa 1938, buried in Hollansburg Cemetery. Thank you.

CHENOWETH, ROBY, SHINAULT posted by Mike Simmons on Saturday, January 6, 2001

I am looking for information on the Cassandra CHENOWETH Family who died in Darke County in 1879. Her father was John CHENOWETH. My Great grandmother SHINAULT's maiden name was ROBY, and the connection to Nancy Jane CHENOWETH comes from her. Thanks.

O DELL, SCHROEDER posted by Billie Clark on Wednesday, January 10, 2001

Looking for information on Elam O_DELL b ca. 1844. I am unsure if he was born in America or England. He married Wilhelmina Charlotta SCHROEDER, whom was born in Hesse, Germany. I found in the 1880 Census for Darke Co, OH, that he may have been born in Ohio. There were four children from this union:
  • Rosana b 26 Feb 1870, Greenville, OH d 1943.
  • John H. b ca 1872
  • Charles W. b ca 1877
  • Effie b 1879 Union City, OH

    Any information on this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and consideration.

  • DUTROW, SNOOK posted by Billie Clark on Wednesday, January 10, 2001

    I am looking for any information pertaining to Jacob Henry SNOOK. Jacob Henry was born in Frederick County, MD, in 1829. Him and his second wife Lydia DUTROW moved to Union City, Jackson Twp, Darke County, OH in the spring of 1875. The union with his first wife, Barbara C.V. Keyser produced seven children: Andrew Clayton, Jacob E., Mary Ellen, Otho Scott, Daniel Marshall, William Wallace and Harland Burnside.

    The union with his second wife produced eight children: Josiah S., Annie B., Ada May, Louis (Lewis) G., Charles E., Victor G., Edie F., and Frederick.

    At least three of the last four children were born in Union City, OH.

    Any information you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and consideration.

    MCDILL, MCDOWELL, MCGRIFF posted by Carolyn Sichting on Thursday, January 11, 2001

    I am searching for ggggrandfather James MCDOWELL, b 1789 N.C., who came to Ohio sometime shortly before 1808. In an interview recorded in Carroll Co., IN, he indicated he had lived in both Preble and Darke Cos. He married Susannah MCGRIFF, daughter of Thomas MCGRIFF, 27 Sept. 1808 and I have copy of register. He was listed in one book of Ohio marriages as James MCDILL. They had seven children born in Ohio. He may have come with an uncle who was his guardian when he left N.C. as an orphan; however, do not know if maternal or paternal uncle so have no clue as to name which could have been MCDOWELL. Anyone out there have any information re same? Would be most appreciative of any help.

    SNELLING posted by Craig Kieffer on Sunday, January 14, 2001

    Wish to exchange information about the family of: William SNELLING (b. abt. 1800 in Va.) and wife Mary Ann (b. abt. 1798 in N.C.); Wm and Mary Ann SNELLING listed on 1850, 1860, 1870 census in Butler Township, Darke County; children Elisabeth aka "Betsy", Mary Ann aka "Polly", Mary Jane aka Jane, Andrew Jackson aka Jackson.

    WESTFALL posted by Bernice Munsey on Sunday, January 14, 2001

    Jacob WESTFALL Jr. b. VA 1755 and wife Mary (King) John WESTFALL b. VA 1788 and wife Rachel (__) Eliza Ann WESTFALL b. OH ca 10 Jun 1816

    STOCKER posted by Suzanne Wallace on Sunday, January 14, 2001

    It is my understanding that Andrew(?) STOCKER was my great-grandfather; my grandfather was Elmer Rater STOCKER who I assume was born there. Andrew would have immigrated to the county sometime before 1876 when my grandfather was born--approx. 1850??, as Elmer was supposedly the last of 13(?) children. Other children of Andrew we believe are: Ad, Andrew, Henry, Jake, John, Flora, and Mary. Any information would be much appreciated.

    BURNS, KERNS posted by Wanda Carroll on Wednesday, January 17, 2001

    I have confirmation of the marraige of my gg-grandparents. Michael BURNS to Bridget KERNS January 18, 1859 in Darke county. They were both natives of Ireland. My search is for a brother of Michaels' James BURNS and for their parents Richard and Mary BURNS. They all came to Ohio from Ireland. Michael and Bridget went on to KS and I have their history but do not have anything on the rest of the family. Assuming they stayed in Ohio.

    STEIN posted by Deborah West on Wednesday, January 17, 2001

    Looking for great-great grandfather. Don't know first name. Last name is STEIN. Son might have been born at time he lived in Greenville. Named John, the elder, STEIN. Was told he was married to Miami Indian woman. The son later moved to Cincinnati but don't know what happened to mother. Father was killed in accident by hired hand. Sorry These are only stories told by relatives I am trying to check out. Hope someone can help.

    BARNES, EDWARDS posted by Lynne Edwards on Friday, January 19, 2001

    I am looking for any information about Collie EDWARDS married to Elizabeth "Lizzie" BARNES. They lived around the Greenville area. Also any information about Frank BARNES.

    BAKER posted by Joyce Kantner on Saturday, January 20, 2001

    Looking for an Alonzo BAKER b. 1854 in Ohio. Have connections with Darke County, Ohio. Moved to Clinton County, Indiana by 1870. Does anyone have Bible record or any information on this person?

    GOTT, OBLINGER, REED posted by Carrie Malinowsli on Monday, January 22, 2001

    Adding new names to my list: OBLINGER, David and David Lee Fredrick. Also would like to know if anyone knows who the Mrs REED is that, married Robert GOTT in Darke Co., many thanks

    DIVELEY, HAMILTON posted by Michael L. Diveley on Monday, January 22, 2001

    Looking for the family and descendants of G.W. HAMILTON and Ann DIVELEY (1815-1893) They lived in Greenville, Darke Co. Ohio.

    WILLIAMS posted by Betty Sullivan on Tuesday, January 23, 2001

    Thornton Riggs WILLIAMS, born on a farm near Ithaca, Darke County, Ohio, 1855. Looking for information about my great-grandfather.

    GARVER, LOCKETT, SNODGRASS posted by Trish Lockett on Tuesday, January 23, 2001

    I am looking for information on Cordelia (Delia) May GARVER (b. 1869) and Robert Elmer LOCKETT (b. 1859) and their families. Their son, Ralph, was born in Greenville in 1894. Robert's father's name was Edmund who married Mary Catherine SNODGRASS in Darke Co. Any help would be appreciated.

    LORING, MILLIKEN, SMITH posted by Wanda Myers on Wednesday, January 24, 2001

    I am looking for Nelson W. LORING who married Elizabeth SMITH in Butler Co., OH, 11 March 1841 he was found on the 1850 census as a shoemaker in either Darke Co., OH, Clark Co., OH, or Butler Co., OH. I do not have the ... He later married a Lydia Ann MILLIKEN 19 July 1856. Any help, Please. Thank you Wanda

    DAUBENMEYER, REBKA, RINEHART, ROEBKE, SCHROEDER posted by Jan Hofer on Thursday, January 25, 2001

    Gottlieb REBKA/ROEBKE married Augusta SCHROEDER both from Germany. They had seven children. I am the oldest son's Carl Frederick's granddaughter. Carl married Matilda Ellen DAUBENMEYER. Her parents Lewis DAUBENMEYER and Elizabeth RINEHART.

    BALDRIDGE, DAWSON, PINSON, RATLIFF posted by C. Spurlock on Thursday, January 25, 2001

    I am looking for any decendants of Vincent DAWSON and Jane DAWSON his wife. They had the following children, Martha DAWSON BALDRIDGE, William DAWSON, Margaret DAWSON RATLIFF, Vincent DAWSON Jr., and Tamsey Jane S. DAWSON PINSON. All of the children were either born in Floyd or Pike Co., KY. Am also missing 2 more brothers and 1 more sister. Would appreciate any help you could give me.

    BARGA, GAYNOR, KELLY, STUDER posted by Anita Kelly on Saturday, January 27, 2001

    Searching for info on Elizabeth STUDER who's mother was Catherine BARGA. Both women were born in Darke County. Elizabeth married John KELLY of Shelby County and they eventually had seven children and settled in Lima, Allen County.

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