Darke County, Ohio, Genealogy

Queries for March 2001


MCKEON posted by Paul R. McKeon on Thursday, March 1, 2001

Charles MCKEON

HOWARD posted by Theda Roberts on Thursday, March 1, 2001

I am looking for information on Cora HOWARD married to Bert HOWARD living in Dayton around 1922. Any help on the HOWARDs would be appreciated.

HENDRICKSON posted by Deb --?-- on Friday, March 2, 2001

Brazilla HENDRICKSON and son Joseph from Darke Co Ohio around 1840 to 1890 or so ....

MEDARIS posted by Darlene Medaris Pope on Friday, March 2, 2001

Looking for information on Charles E MEDARIS born in ohio 3 month/ 1867. Known as Elmer, C E MEDARIS and Charles E MEDARIS. Moved to Kansas. He is my grandfather. Thank you. Darlene Medaris Pope

HADLEY, TAYLOR posted by Alice A. Townsend on Saturday, March 3, 2001

Levi HADLEY born NY age 60 listed in Darke Co. 1850 census. Not listed in Darke Co earlier. A Levi F. HADLEY born Vt. lived NY in Hamilton Co 1812--son Simon P. HADLEY was born. Simon married in Hamilton to Martha TAYLOR from KY 15 Aug 1833. Simon & Martha had children born in Greene Co. ca 1841. Family later moved to Shelby Co. pre Civil War years. Are Levi's same person? Does anyone have info on will listed in Darke Co. for Levi HADLEY? Paid researcher 16 years ago to copy but moved and never did get info. Will share information about desendants from Ill & Arkansas for information about pre Illinois records.

RAUH posted by Shirley Turner on Tuesday, March 6, 2001

I am interested in any information on the RAUHs from Burkettesville, Coldwater, and/or St. Anthony in Ohio. I'm interested in any RAUHs connected to George RAUH Jr or George RAUH Sr. Thank you.

AXER, BOWERSOX, FREDERICK, OXER posted by Judith Tickel Need on Wednesday, March 7, 2001

Looking for information concerning the family of Jacob AXER/OXER who married Elizabeth FREDERICK in Darke County, OH in 1844. Their daughter Gertrude/Charity AXER married John BOWERSOX

MURPHY, WILSON posted by David Pinckney on Thursday, March 8, 2001

I am researching the MURPHY family in Darke Co, OH. Specifically, a Charles Wesley MURPHY b. Jan 25, 1828 Darke Co, OH, m. Jane WILSON (date unknown). Known children of C. W. MURPHY are Barton Wilson MURPHY, W. R. MURPHY and Charles L. MURPHY. Looking for any information on this family and Barton WILSON in particular.

BARGY, BEGIN posted by Deck Bargy on Friday, March 9, 2001

Am looking for information on Charles BARGY, b. abt. 1867 in Darke Co., OH. Married in Darke Co., OH on 26 October 1893 to Anna BEGIN.

KITCHIN posted by Edgar Kitchin on Friday, March 9, 2001

Wesley KITCHIN, Edgar Lyle KITCHIN (his son)

CLAY posted by Jo Ann Cummins on Saturday, March 10, 2001

Searching for Solomon CLAY born ca 1824 in Ohio and married in 1842 to Susan/Sarah ? in Darke Co., Ohio. Children: Matilda J.; Levina R.; Margaret Elizabeth, born 27 Oct 1850 in Darke Co., OH; Lemon R.; Priscilla; Sarah C and I belive 3 males were also born to Solomon and Susan/Sarah.

FICKEN posted by Kathleen Hecker Meyer on Monday, March 12, 2001

I am searching for information about the Rev. John FICKEN, who died in Greenville, OH, in 1889. I would like to know where he is buried and anything about him that is available. He is my husband's gggrandfather.

COLGAN, CRIPE, MARTIN, PUTERBAUGH, STUCK, WAGONER posted by Janet Hall on Tuesday, March 13, 2001

Looking for MARTIN family. David b abt 1787 d 1831 Darke Co, m Elizabeth CRIPE 1811 Montgomery Co Ohio. Ten children; some spouse names are PUTERBAUGH, COLGAN, STUCK. Mother Elizabeth went to St. Joseph Co., IN, d. there 1880.

Interested in their daughter Roseann or Rosanna who might be my great grandmother. Have no more info on this person, but -my- Roseann MARTIN b 1811 m. Martin WAGONER in IN.

CRAWFORD posted by Mike Webb on Wednesday, March 14, 2001

Looking for a obit on a William W. CRAWFORD who passed away in Greenville, Ohio in Darke County on 10 Aug 1921. Thank You

BIRT, RAINES, SEARLES, VAN CAMP posted by Kristi Malcolm on Thursday, March 15, 2001

Anyone with information on 8 children born to Elijah RAINES & Rebecca BIRT: Malinda Elizabeth (1846-1887), Simon A. (1848-?), John (1851-?),William H. (1854-?), Joseph M. (1857-?), Sarah E. (1859-?), Perry Sylvester (1862-1915), or Elijah A. (1865-?).

Info on 8 children of Heber SEARLES & Mary VAN_CAMP: Melvina (6/22/1846-?), Brittanna D. (2/18/1849-?), George W. (8/31/1850-?), Evoline Eugenia (1/17/1853-1941), Olive Amanda (5/22/1856-?), Mary Alice (12/16/1858-?), Nancy Mahala (10/28/1861-?), Hannah Persosia (11/8/1864-8/18/1933). Let me know ASAP! Thanks!

COX, LEWARK posted by John L. Dunham on Friday, March 16, 2001

I am hunting someone who has the records for the "Hill Grove Methodist Cemetery". My great grand parents - Nathan COX; b15 Oct 1816 in Washington Twnshp., Preble Co., OH; d 5 Sep 1876 in Richmond, buried In Hill Grove Methodist Cemetery. His 2nd wife Nancy S. LEWARK COX; 17 Dec 1836 in Rushville Twnshp., Rush Co., IN; m 19 Aug 1858 in Franklin Co., IN; d 1 Aug 1873 in German Twnshp, Darke Co., OH - buried in Hill Grove Methodist Cemetery. We have walked Hill Grove Cemetery; looked at every stone. No luck. Maybe there is record out there somewhere. If we could find it, we would purchase a stone and mark the grave. Does either the township or county have such records ? How about Funeral Directors who were there then ? HELP ??!!

GREGORY, LEMLEY, WILHELM posted by David Trier on Saturday, March 17, 2001

Looking for info on Jacob LEMLEY Born Oct. 8, 1843 in E. Palestine, Ohio. He also had two sisters Mrs. Caroline WILHELM and Mrs. Lizzie GREGORY. Also had a son Charles E. LEMLEY born in Michigan that moved to Palestine. His father I believe is also named Jacob. Looking for living descendents or anyone with info.

WARNER, WILT posted by Pam Swiler on Saturday, March 17, 2001

Harry Elson WARNER

ARNOLD, BATTEN, CAUPP, FARMER, HALLEY, MCCARTY posted by Debra A. Meyer on Sunday, March 18, 2001

I'am a FARMER, but I also have HALLEY, BATTEN, ARNOLD, and MCCARTY CAUPP in my family tree. FARMER from around Stelvideo, Ohio

AMBROSE, BROWN, ELLISON, HENDRIX, KIRKMAN posted by Roger Ambrose on Tuesday, March 20, 2001

My grandfather Stephen Edward ELLISON was born in Darke County. I believe his father's name was James Madison Ellison, Jmaes M. is believed to be buried somewhere around Union City. Stephen's mother was a KIRKMAN; I do not know her first name. Stephen married Ida Myrtle BROWN, They had 3 children, Kenneth, Paul, and Evelyn Geraldine (Jerry) AMBROSE (my mother). Stephen had a half-brother James Frank Ellison who lived in Union City and is buried in the Snell Cemetery; he died in 1965. Stephen died in 1951. He also had another half-brother whose mother was a HENDRIX. Any information would be helpful. Thanks.

MARCUM, WARD posted by D Parker on Tuesday, March 20, 2001

Interested in descendants and history of Beverly and Elizabeth WARD MARCUM. Beverly Marcum died 1831 in Miami County. Elizabeth died 1850 in Darke Co. They had 3 or more sons in Darke County, and at least one in Tennessee.

BOULTENHOUSE, ROE posted by Vicki Begtrup on Wednesday, March 21, 2001

Henry T. ROE, and wife, Catherine BOULTENHOUSE Roe, were residing in Darke Co., Ohio at the time of the 1830 Federal Census. Need information on both Henry & Catherine especially the names of their parents.

GRISE posted by Alma Beckman on Thursday, March 22, 2001

Information regarding the birth or marriage dates and places of Mary E. GRISE. This is my grandmother.

LAMBERT posted by Roy Ingersoll on Thursday, March 22, 2001

Cortland LAMBERT, Harrison Ohio @1840, believed to be parent of Abigale LAMBERT.

ARNOLD, CARTER, WEAVER posted by Elizabeth Wildes on Sunday, March 25, 2001

Abraham ARNOLD married Ollie WEAVER, when, where, 2 known children, Jeannie and Ida, were there more? Jeannie married Phineas David CARTER, when, where MI or OH? Any info greatly appreciated.

CAMPBELL, POWELL posted by Judy Byars on Monday, March 26, 2001

Anyone searching Robert CAMPBELL who died Darke County, Ohio 1828? Did he marry a POWELL?

PITSENBARGER, SNYDER posted by Lisa A. Rutz Kruger on Monday, March 26, 2001

I am looking for death records for two of my ancestors who died in Darke Co. Ohio. These ladies are Anna Mary PITSENBARGER (died 22Jan 1859) wife of Jonathan B. Pitsenbarger. Might have been buried in the Yoder (Pitsenbarger) cemetary. Also Eliza Jane SNYDER PITSENBARGER (died about 1923) ?? Darke Co. Ohio. Tombstone pictures would be helpful and cemetary locations would also help.

DENISTON, MEDLAM posted by Karla Yielding on Tuesday, March 27, 2001

I am looking for info on my grandparents. They were from Union City. They were Frank James DENISTON and Kathryn Sara MEDLAM. My great grandmother may have been named Sara Vina MEDLAM. Since my family is from Union City, how do I know if I need a death certificate from Indiana or Ohio?

BROWN, WYST posted by Mary Althoff on Wednesday, March 28, 2001

Looking for David BROWN, married to Lettie WYST. They came to Darke Co. prior to 1834 from Tenn. They had a son Jacob that was born in Darke Co. in 1834. They were my Gr.Gr.Gr. grandparents. Jacob served in the 44th OVI in the Civil War. Jacob died in 1916 and is buried in the veterams section of Forest Hill Cem. in Piqua, Ohio.

ELEY, ROYER posted by Jack B. Eley on Friday, March 30, 2001

Researching ELEY geneaology in OH, IN, PA from Michael (b.1745), and ROYER descendents. New e-mail address!!

BROWN, FOLK, HIESTAND, OVERHOLSER, STUMP posted by Donna Voorhees on Saturday, March 31, 2001

Looking for decendents of Henry BROWN b.1819 in Elsoff, Germany, moved to PA in 1844 and to Darke Co. approx. 1848. Only son I have is Lewis W. BROWN b. 1847. His children were Frank William BROWN b. 1873, Daniel Henry BROWN b. 1875, Edward G. BROWN b. 1877, Rosa BROWN b. 1878, John BROWN b. 1882, Charles Wesley BROWN b. 1882, Della May BROWN b. 1890, & 2 unknown sons. Frank William BROWN's children were Leo BROWN, Lauren BROWN b. 1898 md. Esther STUMP, Herman BROWN md Mary, Irma BROWN md Bill, Charles BROWN, Berdina BROWN md Emerson FOLK, Ruth BROWN md. OVERHOLSER, & Ruby BROWN md Russ HIESTAND. If you have info on any of these, please share with me.

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